Source code for gpaw.fftw

Python wrapper for FFTW3 library

.. autoclass:: FFTPlans

from __future__ import annotations

import weakref
from types import ModuleType

import numpy as np
from scipy.fft import fftn, ifftn, irfftn, rfftn
import warnings

import gpaw.cgpaw as cgpaw
from gpaw.utilities import as_complex_dtype, as_real_dtype
from import pw_insert_gpu
from gpaw.typing import Array1D, Array3D, DTypeLike, IntVector


_plan_cache: dict[tuple, weakref.ReferenceType] = {}

[docs] def have_fftw() -> bool: """Did we compile with FFTW?""" return hasattr(cgpaw, 'FFTWPlan')
[docs] def check_fft_size(n: int, factors=[2, 3, 5, 7]) -> bool: """Check if n is an efficient fft size. Efficient means that n can be factored into small primes (2, 3, 5, 7). >>> check_fft_size(17) False >>> check_fft_size(18) True """ if n == 1: return True for x in factors: if n % x == 0: return check_fft_size(n // x, factors) return False
[docs] def get_efficient_fft_size(N: int, n=1, factors=[2, 3, 5, 7]) -> int: """Return smallest efficient fft size. Must be greater than or equal to N and divisible by n. >>> get_efficient_fft_size(17) 18 """ N = -(-N // n) * n while not check_fft_size(N, factors): N += n return N
[docs] def empty(shape, dtype=float): """numpy.empty() equivalent with 16 byte alignment.""" assert np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating) real_dtype = as_real_dtype(dtype) complex_dtype = as_complex_dtype(dtype) N = a = np.empty(2 * N + 16 // real_dtype.itemsize - 1, real_dtype) offset = ( % 16) // real_dtype.itemsize a = a[offset:2 * N + offset].view(complex_dtype) a.shape = shape return a
[docs] def create_plans(size_c: IntVector, dtype: DTypeLike, flags: int = MEASURE, xp: ModuleType = np) -> FFTPlans: """Create plan-objects for FFT and inverse FFT.""" key = (tuple(size_c), dtype, flags, xp) # Look up weakref to plan: if key in _plan_cache: plan = _plan_cache[key]() # Check if plan is still "alive": if plan is not None: return plan # Create new plan: if xp is not np: plan = CuPyFFTPlans(size_c, dtype) elif have_fftw(): plan = FFTWPlans(size_c, dtype, flags) else: plan = NumpyFFTPlans(size_c, dtype) _plan_cache[key] = weakref.ref(plan) return plan
[docs] class FFTPlans: def __init__(self, size_c: IntVector, dtype: DTypeLike, empty=empty): self.shape: tuple[int, ...] if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating): self.shape = (size_c[0], size_c[1], size_c[2] // 2 + 1) self.tmp_Q = empty(self.shape, as_complex_dtype(dtype)) self.tmp_R = self.tmp_Q.view(dtype)[:, :, :size_c[2]] else: self.shape = tuple(size_c) self.tmp_Q = empty(size_c, dtype) self.tmp_R = self.tmp_Q def fft(self) -> None: """Do FFT from ``tmp_R`` to ``tmp_Q``. >>> plans = create_plans([4, 1, 1], float) >>> plans.tmp_R[:, 0, 0] = [1, 0, 1, 0] >>> plans.fft() >>> plans.tmp_Q[:, 0, 0] array([2.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 2.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) """ raise NotImplementedError def ifft(self) -> None: """Do inverse FFT from ``tmp_Q`` to ``tmp_R``. >>> plans = create_plans([4, 1, 1], complex) >>> plans.tmp_Q[:, 0, 0] = [0, 1j, 0, 0] >>> plans.ifft() >>> plans.tmp_R[:, 0, 0] array([ 0.+1.j, -1.+0.j, 0.-1.j, 1.+0.j]) """ raise NotImplementedError def ifft_sphere(self, coef_G, pw, out_R): if coef_G is None: out_R.scatter_from(None) return pw.paste(coef_G, self.tmp_Q) if np.issubdtype(pw.dtype, np.floating): t = self.tmp_Q[:, :, 0] n, m = (s // 2 - 1 for s in out_R.desc.size_c[:2]) t[0, -m:] = t[0, m:0:-1].conj() t[n:0:-1, -m:] = t[-n:, m:0:-1].conj() t[-n:, -m:] = t[n:0:-1, m:0:-1].conj() t[-n:, 0] = t[n:0:-1, 0].conj() self.ifft() out_R.scatter_from(self.tmp_R) def fft_sphere(self, in_R, pw): self.tmp_R[:] = self.fft() coefs = pw.cut(self.tmp_Q) * (1 / self.tmp_R.size) return coefs
[docs] class FFTWPlans(FFTPlans): """FFTW3 3d transforms.""" def __init__(self, size_c, dtype, flags=MEASURE): if not have_fftw(): raise ImportError('Not compiled with FFTW.') super().__init__(size_c, dtype) self._fftplan = cgpaw.FFTWPlan(self.tmp_R, self.tmp_Q, -1, flags) self._ifftplan = cgpaw.FFTWPlan(self.tmp_Q, self.tmp_R, 1, flags)
[docs] def fft(self): cgpaw.FFTWExecute(self._fftplan)
[docs] def ifft(self): cgpaw.FFTWExecute(self._ifftplan)
def __del__(self): # Attributes will not exist if execution stops during FFTW planning if hasattr(self, '_fftplan'): cgpaw.FFTWDestroy(self._fftplan) if hasattr(self, '_ifftplan'): cgpaw.FFTWDestroy(self._ifftplan)
[docs] class NumpyFFTPlans(FFTPlans): """Numpy fallback."""
[docs] def fft(self): if np.issubdtype(self.tmp_R.dtype, np.floating): self.tmp_Q[:] = rfftn(self.tmp_R, overwrite_x=True) else: self.tmp_Q[:] = fftn(self.tmp_R, overwrite_x=True)
[docs] def ifft(self): if np.issubdtype(self.tmp_R.dtype, np.floating): self.tmp_R[:] = irfftn(self.tmp_Q, self.tmp_R.shape, norm='forward', overwrite_x=True) else: self.tmp_R[:] = ifftn(self.tmp_Q, self.tmp_R.shape, norm='forward', overwrite_x=True)
def rfftn_patch(tmp_R): from gpaw.gpu import cupyx warnings.warn(f'CuFFTError for cupyx.scipy.fft.rfftn {tmp_R.shape}.' f'reverting to using just fftn. This is a bug in ROCM cupy.') return cupyx.scipy.fft.fftn(tmp_R)[:, :, :tmp_R.shape[-1] // 2 + 1] class CuPyFFTPlans(FFTPlans): def __init__(self, size_c: IntVector, dtype: DTypeLike): from gpaw.core import PWDesc from gpaw.gpu import cupy as cp self.dtype = dtype super().__init__(size_c, dtype, empty=cp.empty) self.Q_G_cache: dict[PWDesc, Array1D] = {} def fft(self): from gpaw.gpu import cupyx from gpaw.gpu import cupy as cp if self.tmp_R.dtype == float: try: self.tmp_Q[:] = cupyx.scipy.fft.rfftn(self.tmp_R) except cp.cuda.cufft.CuFFTError: self.tmp_Q[:] = rfftn_patch(self.tmp_R) else: self.tmp_Q[:] = cupyx.scipy.fft.fftn(self.tmp_R) def ifft(self): from gpaw.gpu import cupyx if self.tmp_R.dtype == float: self.tmp_R[:] = cupyx.scipy.fft.irfftn( self.tmp_Q, self.tmp_R.shape, norm='forward', overwrite_x=True) else: self.tmp_R[:] = cupyx.scipy.fft.ifftn( self.tmp_Q, self.tmp_R.shape, norm='forward', overwrite_x=True) def indices(self, pw): from gpaw.gpu import cupy as cp Q_G = self.Q_G_cache.get(pw) if Q_G is None: Q_G = cp.asarray(pw.indices(self.shape)) self.Q_G_cache[pw] = Q_G return Q_G def ifft_sphere(self, coef_G, pw, out_R): from gpaw.gpu import cupyx if coef_G is None: out_R.scatter_from(None) return if out_R.desc.comm.size == 1: array_R = else: array_R = self.tmp_R array_Q = self.tmp_Q array_Q[:] = 0.0 Q_G = self.indices(pw) assert array_Q.dtype == complex assert coef_G.dtype == complex pw_insert_gpu(coef_G, Q_G, 1.0, array_Q.ravel(), *out_R.desc.size_c) if self.dtype == complex: array_R[:] = cupyx.scipy.fft.ifftn( array_Q, array_Q.shape, norm='forward', overwrite_x=True) else: array_R[:] = cupyx.scipy.fft.irfftn( array_Q, out_R.desc.global_shape(), norm='forward', overwrite_x=True) if out_R.desc.comm.size > 1: out_R.scatter_from(array_R) def fft_sphere(self, in_R, pw): from gpaw.gpu import cupyx from gpaw.gpu import cupy as cp if self.dtype == complex: out_Q = cupyx.scipy.fft.fftn(in_R) else: try: out_Q = cupyx.scipy.fft.rfftn(in_R) except cp.cuda.cufft.CuFFTError: out_Q = rfftn_patch(in_R) Q_G = self.indices(pw) coef_G = out_Q.ravel()[Q_G] * (1 / in_R.size) return coef_G # The rest of this file will be removed in the future ... def check_fftw_inputs(in_R, out_R): for arr in in_R, out_R: # Note: Arrays not necessarily contiguous due to 16-byte alignment assert arr.ndim == 3 # We can perhaps relax this requirement assert arr.dtype == float or arr.dtype == complex if in_R.dtype == out_R.dtype == complex: assert in_R.shape == out_R.shape else: # One real and one complex: R, C = (in_R, out_R) if in_R.dtype == float else (out_R, in_R) assert C.dtype == complex assert R.shape[:2] == C.shape[:2] assert C.shape[2] == 1 + R.shape[2] // 2
[docs] class FFTPlan: """FFT 3d transform.""" def __init__(self, in_R: Array3D, out_R: Array3D, sign: int, flags: int = MEASURE): check_fftw_inputs(in_R, out_R) self.in_R = in_R self.out_R = out_R self.sign = sign self.flags = flags def execute(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class FFTWPlan(FFTPlan): """FFTW3 3d transform.""" def __init__(self, in_R, out_R, sign, flags=MEASURE): if not have_fftw(): raise ImportError('Not compiled with FFTW.') self._ptr = cgpaw.FFTWPlan(in_R, out_R, sign, flags) FFTPlan.__init__(self, in_R, out_R, sign, flags) def execute(self): cgpaw.FFTWExecute(self._ptr) def __del__(self): if getattr(self, '_ptr', None): cgpaw.FFTWDestroy(self._ptr) self._ptr = None
[docs] class NumpyFFTPlan(FFTPlan): """Numpy fallback.""" def execute(self): if self.in_R.dtype == float: self.out_R[:] = np.fft.rfftn(self.in_R) elif self.out_R.dtype == float: self.out_R[:] = np.fft.irfftn(self.in_R, self.out_R.shape, [0, 1, 2]) self.out_R *= self.out_R.size elif self.sign == 1: self.out_R[:] = np.fft.ifftn(self.in_R, self.out_R.shape, [0, 1, 2]) self.out_R *= self.out_R.size else: self.out_R[:] = np.fft.fftn(self.in_R)
def create_plan(in_R: Array3D, out_R: Array3D, sign: int, flags: int = MEASURE) -> FFTPlan: if have_fftw(): return FFTWPlan(in_R, out_R, sign, flags) return NumpyFFTPlan(in_R, out_R, sign, flags)