# Copyright (C) 2003 CAMP
# Please see the accompanying LICENSE file for further information.
"""K-point descriptor."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional, Sequence
import numpy as np
from ase.calculators.calculator import kptdensity2monkhorstpack
from ase.dft.kpoints import get_monkhorst_pack_size_and_offset, monkhorst_pack
import gpaw.cgpaw as cgpaw
import gpaw.mpi as mpi
from gpaw import KPointError
from gpaw.typing import Array1D
from gpaw.kpoint import KPoint
def to1bz(bzk_kc, cell_cv):
"""Wrap k-points to 1. BZ.
Return k-points wrapped to the 1. BZ.
bzk_kc: (n,3) ndarray
Array of k-points in units of the reciprocal lattice vectors.
cell_cv: (3,3) ndarray
Unit cell.
B_cv = 2.0 * np.pi * np.linalg.inv(cell_cv).T
K_kv = np.dot(bzk_kc, B_cv)
N_xc = np.indices((3, 3, 3)).reshape((3, 27)).T - 1
G_xv = np.dot(N_xc, B_cv)
bz1k_kc = bzk_kc.copy()
# Find the closest reciprocal lattice vector:
for k, K_v in enumerate(K_kv):
# If a k-point has the same distance to several reciprocal
# lattice vectors, we don't want to pick a random one on the
# basis of numerical noise, so we round off the differences
# between the shortest distances to 6 decimals and chose the
# one with the lowest index.
d = ((G_xv - K_v)**2).sum(1)
x = (d - d.min()).round(6).argmin()
bz1k_kc[k] -= N_xc[x]
return bz1k_kc
def kpts2sizeandoffsets(size=None, density=None, gamma=None, even=None,
"""Helper function for selecting k-points.
Use either size or density.
size: 3 ints
Number of k-points.
density: float
K-point density in units of k-points per Ang^-1.
gamma: None or bool
Should the Gamma-point be included? Yes / no / don't care:
True / False / None.
even: None or bool
Should the number of k-points be even? Yes / no / don't care:
True / False / None.
atoms: Atoms object
Needed for calculating k-point density.
if size is None:
if density is None:
size = [1, 1, 1]
size = kptdensity2monkhorstpack(atoms, density, even)
offsets = [0, 0, 0]
if gamma is not None:
for i, s in enumerate(size):
if atoms.pbc[i] and s % 2 != bool(gamma):
offsets[i] = 0.5 / s
return size, offsets
class KPointDescriptor:
"""Descriptor-class for k-points."""
def __init__(self, kpts, nspins: int = 1):
"""Construct descriptor object for kpoint/spin combinations (ks-pair).
kpts: None, sequence of 3 ints, or (n,3)-shaped array
Specification of the k-point grid. None=Gamma, list of
ints=Monkhorst-Pack, ndarray=user specified.
nspins: int
Number of spins.
=================== =================================================
``N_c`` Number of k-points in the different directions.
``nspins`` Number of spins in total.
``mynspins`` Number of spins on this CPU.
``nibzkpts`` Number of irreducible kpoints in 1st BZ.
``mynks`` Number of k-point/spin combinations on this CPU.
``gamma`` Boolean indicator for gamma point calculation.
``comm`` MPI-communicator for kpoint distribution.
``weight_k`` Weights of each k-point
``ibzk_kc`` Unknown
``ibzk_qc`` Unknown
``sym_k`` Unknown
``time_reversal_k`` Unknown
``bz2ibz_k`` Unknown
``ibz2bz_k`` Unknown
``bz2bz_ks`` Unknown
``symmetry`` Object representing symmetries
=================== =================================================
self.N_c: Optional[Array1D] = None
self.offset_c: Optional[Array1D] = None
if kpts is None:
self.bzk_kc = np.zeros((1, 3))
self.N_c = np.array((1, 1, 1), dtype=int)
self.offset_c = np.zeros(3)
kpts = np.asarray(kpts)
if kpts.ndim == 1:
self.N_c = np.array(kpts, dtype=int)
self.bzk_kc = monkhorst_pack(self.N_c)
self.offset_c = np.zeros(3)
self.bzk_kc = np.array(kpts, dtype=float)
self.N_c, self.offset_c = \
except ValueError:
self.nspins = nspins
self.nbzkpts = len(self.bzk_kc)
# Gamma-point calculation?
self.gamma = self.nbzkpts == 1 and not self.bzk_kc.any()
# Point group and time-reversal symmetry neglected:
self.weight_k = np.ones(self.nbzkpts) / self.nbzkpts
self.ibzk_kc = self.bzk_kc.copy()
self.sym_k = np.zeros(self.nbzkpts, int)
self.time_reversal_k = np.zeros(self.nbzkpts, bool)
self.bz2ibz_k = np.arange(self.nbzkpts)
self.ibz2bz_k = np.arange(self.nbzkpts)
self.bz2bz_ks = np.arange(self.nbzkpts)[:, np.newaxis]
self.nibzkpts = self.nbzkpts
self.refine_info = None
self.monkhorst = (self.N_c is not None)
def __str__(self):
s = str(self.symmetry)
if self.refine_info is not None:
s += '\n' + str(self.refine_info)
if -1 in self.bz2bz_ks:
s += 'Note: your k-points are not as symmetric as your crystal!\n'
if self.gamma:
s += '\n1 k-point (Gamma)'
s += '\n%d k-points' % self.nbzkpts
if self.monkhorst:
s += ': %d x %d x %d Monkhorst-Pack grid' % tuple(self.N_c)
if self.offset_c.any():
s += ' + ['
for x in self.offset_c:
if x != 0 and abs(round(1 / x) - 1 / x) < 1e-12:
s += '1/%d,' % round(1 / x)
s += '%f,' % x
s = s[:-1] + ']'
s += ('\n%d k-point%s in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone\n'
% (self.nibzkpts, ' s'[1:self.nibzkpts]))
if self.monkhorst:
w_k = self.weight_k * self.nbzkpts
assert np.allclose(w_k, w_k.round())
w_k = w_k.round()
s += ' k-points in crystal coordinates weights\n'
for k in range(self.nibzkpts):
if k < 10 or k == self.nibzkpts - 1:
if self.monkhorst:
s += ('%4d: %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %6d/%d\n' %
((k,) + tuple(self.ibzk_kc[k]) +
(w_k[k], self.nbzkpts)))
s += ('%4d: %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n' %
((k,) + tuple(self.ibzk_kc[k]) +
elif k == 10:
s += ' ...\n'
return s
def set_symmetry(self, atoms, symmetry, comm=None):
"""Create symmetry object and construct irreducible Brillouin zone.
atoms: Atoms object
Defines atom positions and types and also unit cell and
boundary conditions.
symmetry: Symmetry object
Symmetry object.
self.symmetry = symmetry
# XXX we pass the whole atoms object just to complain if its PBCs
# are not how we like them
for c, periodic in enumerate(atoms.pbc):
if not periodic and not np.allclose(self.bzk_kc[:, c], 0.0):
raise ValueError('K-points can only be used with PBCs!')
if symmetry.time_reversal or symmetry.point_group:
(self.ibzk_kc, self.weight_k,
self.bz2bz_ks) = symmetry.reduce(self.bzk_kc, comm)
# Number of irreducible k-points and k-point/spin combinations.
self.nibzkpts = len(self.ibzk_kc)
def set_communicator(self, comm):
"""Set k-point communicator."""
# Ranks < self.rank0 have mynks0 k-point/spin combinations and
# ranks >= self.rank0 have mynks0+1 k-point/spin combinations.
mynk0, x = divmod(self.nibzkpts, comm.size)
self.rank0 = comm.size - x
self.comm = comm
# My number and offset of k-point/spin combinations
self.mynk = self.get_count()
self.k0 = self.get_offset()
self.ibzk_qc = self.ibzk_kc[self.k0:self.k0 + self.mynk]
self.weight_q = self.weight_k[self.k0:self.k0 + self.mynk]
def copy(self, comm=mpi.serial_comm):
"""Create a copy with shared symmetry object."""
kd = KPointDescriptor(self.bzk_kc, self.nspins)
kd.weight_k = self.weight_k
kd.ibzk_kc = self.ibzk_kc
kd.sym_k = self.sym_k
kd.time_reversal_k = self.time_reversal_k
kd.bz2ibz_k = self.bz2ibz_k
kd.ibz2bz_k = self.ibz2bz_k
kd.bz2bz_ks = self.bz2bz_ks
kd.symmetry = self.symmetry
kd.nibzkpts = self.nibzkpts
return kd
def create_k_points(self, sdisp_cd, collinear):
"""Return a list of KPoints."""
kpt_qs = []
for k in range(self.k0, self.k0 + self.mynk):
q = k - self.k0
weightk = self.weight_k[k]
weight = weightk * 2 / self.nspins
if self.gamma:
phase_cd = np.ones((3, 2), complex)
phase_cd = np.exp(2j * np.pi *
sdisp_cd * self.ibzk_kc[k, :, np.newaxis])
if collinear:
spins = range(self.nspins)
spins = [None]
weight *= 0.5
kpt_qs.append([KPoint(weightk, weight, s, k, q, phase_cd)
for s in spins])
return kpt_qs
def collect(self, a_ux, broadcast: bool):
"""Collect distributed data to all."""
xshape = a_ux.shape[1:]
a_qsx = a_ux.reshape((-1, self.nspins) + xshape)
if self.comm.rank == 0 or broadcast:
a_ksx = np.empty((self.nibzkpts, self.nspins) + xshape, a_ux.dtype)
if self.comm.rank > 0:
self.comm.send(a_qsx, 0)
k1 = self.get_count(0)
a_ksx[0:k1] = a_qsx
requests = []
for rank in range(1, self.comm.size):
k2 = k1 + self.get_count(rank)
requests.append(self.comm.receive(a_ksx[k1:k2], rank,
k1 = k2
assert k1 == self.nibzkpts
if broadcast:
self.comm.broadcast(a_ksx, 0)
if self.comm.rank == 0 or broadcast:
return a_ksx.transpose((1, 0, 2))
def find_k_plus_q(self, q_c, kpts_k: Sequence[int] = None) -> list[int]:
"""Find the indices of k+q for all kpoints in the Brillouin zone.
In case that k+q is outside the BZ, the k-point inside the BZ
corresponding to k+q is given.
q_c: np.ndarray
Coordinates for the q-vector in units of the reciprocal
lattice vectors.
Restrict search to specified k-points.
k_x = kpts_k
if k_x is None:
return self.find_k_plus_q(q_c, range(self.nbzkpts))
i_x = []
for k in k_x:
kpt_c = self.bzk_kc[k] + q_c
d_kc = kpt_c - self.bzk_kc
d_k = abs(d_kc - d_kc.round()).sum(1)
i = d_k.argmin()
if d_k[i] > 1e-8:
raise KPointError('Could not find k+q!')
return i_x
def get_bz_q_points(self, first=False):
"""Return the q=k1-k2. q-mesh is always Gamma-centered."""
shift_c = 0.5 * ((self.N_c + 1) % 2) / self.N_c
bzq_qc = monkhorst_pack(self.N_c) + shift_c
if first:
return to1bz(bzq_qc, self.symmetry.cell_cv)
return bzq_qc
def get_ibz_q_points(self, bzq_qc, op_scc):
"""Return ibz q points and the corresponding symmetry operations that
work for k-mesh as well."""
ibzq_qc_tmp = []
weight_tmp = [0]
for i, op_cc in enumerate(op_scc):
if np.abs(op_cc - np.eye(3)).sum() < 1e-8:
identity_iop = i
ibzq_q_tmp = {}
iop_q = {}
timerev_q = {}
diff_qc = {}
for i in range(len(bzq_qc) - 1, -1, -1): # loop opposite to kpoint
ibzk, iop, timerev, diff_c = self.find_ibzkpt(
op_scc, ibzq_qc_tmp, bzq_qc[i])
find = False
for ii, iop1 in enumerate(self.sym_k):
if iop1 == iop and self.time_reversal_k[ii] == timerev:
find = True
if not find:
raise ValueError('cant find k!')
ibzq_q_tmp[i] = ibzk
weight_tmp[ibzk] += 1.
iop_q[i] = iop
timerev_q[i] = timerev
diff_qc[i] = diff_c
except ValueError:
ibzq_q_tmp[i] = len(ibzq_qc_tmp) - 1
iop_q[i] = identity_iop
timerev_q[i] = False
diff_qc[i] = np.zeros(3)
# reverse the order.
nq = len(ibzq_qc_tmp)
ibzq_qc = np.zeros((nq, 3))
ibzq_q = np.zeros(len(bzq_qc), dtype=int)
for i in range(nq):
ibzq_qc[i] = ibzq_qc_tmp[nq - i - 1]
for i in range(len(bzq_qc)):
ibzq_q[i] = nq - ibzq_q_tmp[i] - 1
self.q_weights = np.array(weight_tmp[::-1]) / len(bzq_qc)
return ibzq_qc, ibzq_q, iop_q, timerev_q, diff_qc
def find_ibzkpt(self, symrel, ibzk_kc, bzk_c):
"""Find index in IBZ and related symmetry operations."""
find = False
ibzkpt = 0
iop = 0
timerev = False
for sign in (1, -1):
for ioptmp, op in enumerate(symrel):
for i, ibzk in enumerate(ibzk_kc):
diff_c = bzk_c - sign * np.dot(op, ibzk)
if (np.abs(diff_c - diff_c.round()) < 1e-8).all():
ibzkpt = i
iop = ioptmp
find = True
if sign == -1:
timerev = True
if find:
if find:
if not find:
raise ValueError('Cant find corresponding IBZ kpoint!')
return ibzkpt, iop, timerev, diff_c.round()
def where_is_q(self, q_c, bzq_qc):
"""Find the index of q points in BZ."""
d_qc = q_c - bzq_qc
d_q = abs(d_qc - d_qc.round()).sum(1)
q = d_q.argmin()
if d_q[q] > 1e-8:
raise KPointError('Could not find q!')
return q
def get_count(self, rank=None):
"""Return the number of ks-pairs which belong to a given rank."""
if rank is None:
rank = self.comm.rank
assert rank in range(self.comm.size)
mynk0 = self.nibzkpts // self.comm.size
mynk = mynk0
if rank >= self.rank0:
mynk += 1
return mynk
def get_offset(self, rank=None):
"""Return the offset of the first ks-pair on a given rank."""
if rank is None:
rank = self.comm.rank
assert rank in range(self.comm.size)
mynk0 = self.nibzkpts // self.comm.size
k0 = rank * mynk0
if rank >= self.rank0:
k0 += rank - self.rank0
return k0
def get_rank_and_index(self, k):
"""Find rank and local index of k-point/spin combination."""
rank, q = self.who_has(k)
return rank, q
def get_indices(self, rank=None):
"""Return the global ks-pair indices which belong to a given rank."""
k1 = self.get_offset(rank)
k2 = k1 + self.get_count(rank)
return np.arange(k1, k2)
def who_has(self, k):
"""Convert global index to rank information and local index."""
mynk0 = self.nibzkpts // self.comm.size
if k < mynk0 * self.rank0:
rank, q = divmod(k, mynk0)
rank, q = divmod(k - mynk0 * self.rank0, mynk0 + 1)
rank += self.rank0
return rank, q
def write(self, writer):
writer.write('ibzkpts', self.ibzk_kc)
writer.write('bzkpts', self.bzk_kc)
writer.write('bz2ibz', self.bz2ibz_k)
writer.write('weights', self.weight_k)
writer.write('rotations', self.symmetry.op_scc)
writer.write('translations', self.symmetry.ft_sc)
writer.write('atommap', self.symmetry.a_sa)