Source code for gpaw.lfc

from math import pi

import numpy as np
from ase.units import Bohr

import gpaw.cgpaw as cgpaw
from gpaw import debug
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor, GridBoundsError
from gpaw.gpu import cupy_is_fake
from import trace
from gpaw.utilities import smallest_safe_grid_spacing


===  =================================================
 M   Global localized function number.
 W   Global volume number.
 G   Global grid point number.
 g   Local (inside sphere) grid point number.
 i   Index into list of current spheres for current G.
===  =================================================


Global grid point number (*G*) for a 7*6 grid::
  |5 . . . . . .|
  |4 . . . . . .|
  |3 9 . . . . .|
  |2 8 . . . . .|
  |1 7 . . . . .|
  |0 6 . . . . .|

For this example *G* runs from 0 to 41.

Here is a sphere inside the box with grid points (*g*) numbered from 0
to 7::

  |. . . . . . .|
  |. . . . 5 . .|
  |. . . 1 4 7 .|
  |. . . 0 3 6 .|
  |. . . . 2 . .|
  |. . . . . . .|

~  _  ^  ~  ~
p  v  g  n  F
 i     L  c  M

d  d  d  d  d
s     s
   s     s

class Sphere:
    def __init__(self, spline_j):
        self.spline_j = spline_j
        self.spos_c = None
        self.rank = None  # Rank corresponding to center
        self.ranks = None  # Ranks with at least some overlap
        self.Mmax = None
        self.A_wgm = None
        self.G_wb = None
        self.M_w = None
        self.sdisp_wc = None
        self.normalized = False
        self.I_M = None

    def set_position(self, spos_c, gd, cut):
        if self.spos_c is not None and not (self.spos_c - spos_c).any():
            return False

        self.A_wgm = []
        self.G_wb = []
        self.M_w = []
        self.sdisp_wc = []

        ng = 0
        M = 0
        for spline in self.spline_j:
            rcut = spline.get_cutoff()
            l = spline.get_angular_momentum_number()
            for beg_c, end_c, sdisp_c in gd.get_boxes(spos_c, rcut, cut):
                pos_v = - sdisp_c, gd.cell_cv)
                A_gm, G_b = cgpaw.spline_to_grid(
                    beg_c, end_c, pos_v,
                    gd.n_c, gd.beg_c)
                if len(G_b) > 0:
                    ng += A_gm.shape[0]
                    assert A_gm.shape[0] > 0
            M += 2 * l + 1

        self.Mmax = M

        self.rank = gd.get_rank_from_position(spos_c)
        if ng == 0:
            self.ranks = None  # What about making empty lists instead?
            self.A_wgm = None
            self.G_wb = None
            self.M_w = None
            self.sdisp_wc = None

        self.spos_c = spos_c.copy()
        self.normalized = False
        return True

    def get_function_count(self):
        return sum([2 * spline.get_angular_momentum_number() + 1
                    for spline in self.spline_j])

    def normalize(self, integral, a, dv, comm):
        """Normalize localized functions."""
        if self.normalized or integral < 1e-15:
            self.normalized = True
            yield None
            yield None
            yield None

        I_M = np.zeros(self.Mmax)

        nw = len(self.A_wgm) // len(self.spline_j)
        assert nw * len(self.spline_j) == len(self.A_wgm)

        for M, A_gm in zip(self.M_w, self.A_wgm):
            I_m = A_gm.sum(axis=0)
            I_M[M:M + len(I_m)] += I_m * dv

        requests = []
        if len(self.ranks) > 0:
            I_rM = np.empty((len(self.ranks), self.Mmax))
            for r, J_M in zip(self.ranks, I_rM):
                requests.append(comm.receive(J_M, r, a, False))
        if self.rank != comm.rank:
            requests.append(comm.send(I_M, self.rank, a, False))

        yield None

        for request in requests:

        requests = []
        if len(self.ranks) > 0:
            I_M += I_rM.sum(axis=0)
            for r in self.ranks:
                requests.append(comm.send(I_M, r, a, False))
        if self.rank != comm.rank:
            requests.append(comm.receive(I_M, self.rank, a, False))

        yield None

        for request in requests:

        w = 0
        for M, A_gm in zip(self.M_w, self.A_wgm):
            if M == 0:
                A_gm *= integral / I_M[0]
                A_gm -= (I_M[M:M + A_gm.shape[1]] / integral *
                         self.A_wgm[w % nw])
            w += 1
        self.normalized = True
        self.I_M = I_M
        yield None

    def estimate_gridpointcount(self, gd):
        points = 0.0
        for spline in self.spline_j:
            l = spline.get_angular_momentum_number()
            rc = spline.get_cutoff()
            points += 4.0 * np.pi / 3.0 * rc**3 / gd.dv * (2 * l + 1)
        return points

# Quick hack: base class to share basic functionality across LFC classes
class BaseLFC:
    def dict(self, shape=(), derivative=False, zero=False):
        if isinstance(shape, int):
            shape = (shape,)
        if derivative:
            assert not zero
            c_axiv = {}
            for a in self.my_atom_indices:
                ni = self.get_function_count(a)
                c_axiv[a] = np.empty(shape + (ni, 3), self.dtype)
            return c_axiv
            c_axi = {}
            for a in self.my_atom_indices:
                ni = self.get_function_count(a)
                c_axi[a] = np.empty(shape + (ni,), self.dtype)
                if zero:
                    c_axi[a][:] = 0.0
            return c_axi

    def estimate_memory(self, mem):
        points = 0
        for sphere in self.sphere_a:
            points += sphere.estimate_gridpointcount(
        nbytes = points * mem.floatsize
        mem.setsize(nbytes /  # Assume equal distribution

[docs] class LocalizedFunctionsCollection(BaseLFC): """LocalizedFunctionsCollection Utilizes that localized functions can be stored on a spherical subset of the uniform grid, as opposed to LocalizedFunctionsCollection which is just a wrapper around the old localized_functions which use rectangular grids. """ def __init__(self, gd, spline_aj, kd=None, cut=False, dtype=float, integral=None, forces=None, xp=np): = gd self.kd = kd self.sphere_a = [Sphere(spline_j) for spline_j in spline_aj] self.cut = cut self.dtype = dtype self.Mmax = None self.xp = xp if kd is None: self.ibzk_qc = np.zeros((1, 3)) self.gamma = True else: self.ibzk_qc = kd.ibzk_qc self.gamma = kd.gamma # Global or local M-indices? self.use_global_indices = False if integral is not None: if isinstance(integral, (float, int)): self.integral_a = np.empty(len(spline_aj)) self.integral_a[:] = integral else: self.integral_a = np.array(integral) else: self.integral_a = None self.my_atom_indices = None self.lfc = None
[docs] def set_positions(self, spos_ac, atom_partition=None) -> bool: """Set positions and return True if any atoms have migrated to another rank. """ assert len(spos_ac) == len(self.sphere_a) spos_ac = np.asarray(spos_ac) movement = False old_ranks = [sphere.rank for sphere in self.sphere_a] for a, (spos_c, sphere) in enumerate(zip(spos_ac, self.sphere_a)): try: movement |= sphere.set_position(spos_c,, self.cut) except GridBoundsError as e: e.args = (f'Atom {a} too close to edge: {e}',) raise if self.my_atom_indices is None: self._update(spos_ac) return False if movement: self._update(spos_ac) for rank, sphere in zip(old_ranks, self.sphere_a): if rank != sphere.rank: return True return False
def _update(self, spos_ac): nB = 0 nW = 0 self.my_atom_indices = [] self.atom_indices = [] M = 0 self.M_a = [] for a, sphere in enumerate(self.sphere_a): self.M_a.append(M) if sphere.rank == self.my_atom_indices.append(a) G_wb = sphere.G_wb if G_wb: nB += sum([len(G_b) for G_b in G_wb]) nW += len(G_wb) self.atom_indices.append(a) if not self.use_global_indices: M += sphere.Mmax if self.use_global_indices: M += sphere.Mmax self.Mmax = M natoms = len(spos_ac) # Holm-Nielsen check: if ( != natoms * (natoms - 1) // 2): raise ValueError('Holm-Nielsen check failed. Grid might be ' 'too coarse. Use h < %.3f' % (smallest_safe_grid_spacing * Bohr)) self.M_W = np.empty(nW, np.intc) self.G_B = np.empty(nB, np.intc) self.W_B = np.empty(nB, np.intc) self.A_Wgm = [] sdisp_Wc = np.empty((nW, 3), int) self.pos_Wv = np.empty((nW, 3)) B1 = 0 W = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: sphere = self.sphere_a[a] self.A_Wgm.extend(sphere.A_wgm) nw = len(sphere.M_w) self.M_W[W:W + nw] = self.M_a[a] + np.array(sphere.M_w) sdisp_Wc[W:W + nw] = sphere.sdisp_wc self.pos_Wv[W:W + nw] =[a] - np.array(sphere.sdisp_wc), for G_b in sphere.G_wb: B2 = B1 + len(G_b) self.G_B[B1:B2] = G_b self.W_B[B1:B2:2] = W self.W_B[B1 + 1:B2 + 1:2] = -W - 1 B1 = B2 W += 1 assert B1 == nB if self.gamma: if self.dtype == float: self.phase_qW = np.empty((0, nW), complex) else: # TDDFT calculation: self.phase_qW = np.ones((1, nW), complex) else: self.phase_qW = np.exp(2j * pi * np.inner(self.ibzk_qc, sdisp_Wc)) indices = np.argsort(self.G_B, kind='mergesort') self.G_B = self.G_B[indices] self.W_B = self.W_B[indices] # Find out which ranks have a piece of the # localized functions: x_a = np.zeros(natoms, bool) x_a[self.atom_indices] = True x_a[self.my_atom_indices] = False x_ra = np.empty((, natoms), bool), x_ra) for a in self.atom_indices: sphere = self.sphere_a[a] if sphere.rank == sphere.ranks = x_ra[:, a].nonzero()[0] else: sphere.ranks = [] if self.integral_a is not None: iterators = [] for a in self.atom_indices: iterator = self.sphere_a[a].normalize(self.integral_a[a], a,, iterators.append(iterator) for i in range(3): for iterator in iterators: next(iterator) self.lfc = cgpaw.LFC(self.A_Wgm, self.M_W, self.G_B, self.W_B,, self.phase_qW, self.xp is not np) return sdisp_Wc def M_to_ai(self, src_xM, dst_axi): xshape = src_xM.shape[:-1] src_xM = src_xM.reshape(, self.Mmax) for a in self.my_atom_indices: M1 = self.M_a[a] M2 = M1 + self.sphere_a[a].Mmax dst_axi[a] = src_xM[:, M1:M2].copy() def ai_to_M(self, src_axi, dst_xM): xshape = dst_xM.shape[:-1] dst_xM = dst_xM.reshape(, self.Mmax) for a in self.my_atom_indices: M1 = self.M_a[a] M2 = M1 + self.sphere_a[a].Mmax dst_xM[:, M1:M2] = src_axi[a]
[docs] def add(self, a_xG, c_axi=1.0, q=-1): """Add localized functions to extended arrays. :: -- a a a (G) += > c Phi (G) x -- xi i a,i """ assert not self.use_global_indices if q == -1: assert self.dtype == float if isinstance(c_axi, float): assert q == -1 and a_xG.ndim == 3 c_xM = self.xp.empty(self.Mmax) c_xM.fill(c_axi) if self.xp is np: self.lfc.add(c_xM, a_xG, q) elif cupy_is_fake: self.lfc.add(c_xM._data, a_xG._data, q) else: self.lfc.add_gpu(, c_xM.shape,, a_xG.shape, q) return dtype = a_xG.dtype if debug: assert a_xG.ndim >= 3 assert sorted(c_axi.keys()) == self.my_atom_indices for c_xi in c_axi.values(): assert c_xi.dtype == dtype comm = xshape = a_xG.shape[:-3] assert len(xshape) <= 1 requests = [] M1 = 0 b_axi = {} for a in self.atom_indices: c_xi = c_axi.get(a) sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if c_xi is None: c_xi = self.xp.empty(xshape + (sphere.Mmax,), dtype) b_axi[a] = c_xi requests.append(comm.receive(c_xi, sphere.rank, a, False)) else: for r in sphere.ranks: requests.append(comm.send(c_xi.copy(), r, a, False)) M1 = M2 for request in requests: comm.wait(request) c_xM = self.xp.empty(xshape + (self.Mmax,), dtype) M1 = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: c_xi = c_axi.get(a) sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if c_xi is None: c_xi = b_axi[a] c_xM[..., M1:M2] = c_xi M1 = M2 if self.xp is np: self.lfc.add(c_xM, a_xG, q) elif cupy_is_fake: self.lfc.add(c_xM._data, a_xG._data, q) else: self.lfc.add_gpu(, c_xM.shape,, a_xG.shape, q)
[docs] def add_derivative(self, a, v, a_xG, c_axi=1.0, q=-1): """Add derivative of localized functions on atom to extended arrays. Parameters: a: int Atomic index of the derivative v: int Cartesian coordinate of the derivative (0, 1 or 2) This function adds the following sum to the extended arrays:: -- a a a (G) += > c dPhi (G) x -- xi iv i where:: a d a dPhi (G) = -- Phi (g) iv dv i is the derivative of the Phi^a and v is either x, y, or z. """ assert v in [0, 1, 2] assert not self.use_global_indices if q == -1: assert self.dtype == float if isinstance(c_axi, float): assert q == -1 c_xM = np.empty(self.Mmax) c_xM.fill(c_axi) self.lfc.add(c_xM, a_xG, q) return dtype = a_xG.dtype if debug: assert a_xG.ndim >= 3 assert dtype == self.dtype if isinstance(c_axi, dict): assert sorted(c_axi.keys()) == self.my_atom_indices for c_xi in c_axi.values(): assert c_xi.dtype == dtype cspline_M = [] for a_ in self.atom_indices: for spline in self.sphere_a[a_].spline_j: nm = 2 * spline.get_angular_momentum_number() + 1 cspline_M.extend([spline.spline] * nm) # Temp solution - set all coefficient to zero except for those at # atom a # Coefficient indices for atom a M1 = self.M_a[a] M2 = M1 + self.sphere_a[a].Mmax if isinstance(c_axi, float): assert q == -1 c_xM = np.zeros(self.Mmax) c_xM[..., M1:M2] = c_axi else: xshape = a_xG.shape[:-3] c_xM = np.zeros(xshape + (self.Mmax,), dtype) c_xM[..., M1:M2] = c_axi[a] gd = self.lfc.add_derivative(c_xM, a_xG, np.ascontiguousarray(gd.h_cv), gd.n_c, cspline_M, gd.beg_c, self.pos_Wv, a, v, q)
[docs] def integrate(self, a_xG, c_axi, q=-1, add_to=False): """Calculate integrals of arrays times localized functions. :: / a* c_axi = | dG a (G) Phi (G) / x i """ assert not add_to assert not self.use_global_indices if q == -1: assert self.dtype == float xshape = a_xG.shape[:-3] dtype = a_xG.dtype if debug: assert self.dtype == dtype assert a_xG.ndim >= 3 assert sorted(c_axi.keys()) == self.my_atom_indices for c_xi in c_axi.values(): assert c_xi.shape[:-1] == xshape comm = c_xM = self.xp.zeros(xshape + (self.Mmax,), dtype) if self.xp is np: self.lfc.integrate(a_xG, c_xM, q) elif cupy_is_fake: self.lfc.integrate(a_xG._data, c_xM._data, q) else: self.lfc.integrate_gpu(, a_xG.shape,, c_xM.shape, q) c_xM *= rank = comm.rank srequests = [] rrequests = [] c_arxi = {} b_axi = {} M1 = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if sphere.rank != rank: c_xi = c_xM[..., M1:M2].copy() b_axi[a] = c_xi srequests.append(comm.send(c_xi, sphere.rank, a, False)) else: if len(sphere.ranks) > 0: c_rxi = self.xp.empty( sphere.ranks.shape + xshape + (M2 - M1,), dtype) c_arxi[a] = c_rxi for r, b_xi in zip(sphere.ranks, c_rxi): rrequests.append(comm.receive(b_xi, r, a, False)) M1 = M2 for request in rrequests: comm.wait(request) M1 = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: c_xi = c_axi.get(a) sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if c_xi is not None: if len(sphere.ranks) > 0: if c_xM.shape[-1] > M1: c_xi[:] = c_xM[..., M1:M2] + c_arxi[a].sum(axis=0) elif c_xM.shape[-1] > M1: c_xi[:] = c_xM[..., M1:M2] M1 = M2 for request in srequests: comm.wait(request)
[docs] def derivative(self, a_xG, c_axiv, q=-1): """Calculate x-, y-, and z-derivatives of localized function integrals. :: / a* c_axiv = | dG a (G) dPhi (G) / x iv where:: a d a dPhi (G) = -- Phi (g) iv dv i and v is either x, y, or z, and R^a_v is the center of Phi^a. Notice that d Phi^a_i / dR^a_v == - d Phi^a_i / d v. """ assert not self.use_global_indices if debug: assert a_xG.ndim >= 3 assert sorted(c_axiv.keys()) == self.my_atom_indices if self.integral_a is not None: # assert q == -1 assert a_xG.ndim == 3 assert a_xG.dtype == float self._normalized_derivative(a_xG, c_axiv) return dtype = a_xG.dtype xshape = a_xG.shape[:-3] c_xMv = np.zeros(xshape + (self.Mmax, 3), dtype) cspline_M = [] for a in self.atom_indices: for spline in self.sphere_a[a].spline_j: nm = 2 * spline.get_angular_momentum_number() + 1 cspline_M.extend([spline.spline] * nm) gd = self.lfc.derivative(a_xG, c_xMv, np.ascontiguousarray(gd.h_cv), gd.n_c, cspline_M, gd.beg_c, self.pos_Wv, q) comm = rank = comm.rank srequests = [] rrequests = [] c_arxiv = {} # see also b_axiv = {} M1 = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if sphere.rank != rank: c_xiv = c_xMv[..., M1:M2, :].copy() b_axiv[a] = c_xiv srequests.append(comm.send(c_xiv, sphere.rank, a, False)) else: if len(sphere.ranks) > 0: c_rxiv = np.empty(sphere.ranks.shape + xshape + (M2 - M1, 3), dtype) c_arxiv[a] = c_rxiv for r, b_xiv in zip(sphere.ranks, c_rxiv): rrequests.append(comm.receive(b_xiv, r, a, False)) M1 = M2 for request in rrequests: comm.wait(request) M1 = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: c_xiv = c_axiv.get(a) sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if c_xiv is not None: if len(sphere.ranks) > 0: c_xiv[:] = c_xMv[..., M1:M2, :] + c_arxiv[a].sum(axis=0) else: c_xiv[:] = c_xMv[..., M1:M2, :] M1 = M2 for request in srequests: comm.wait(request)
def _normalized_derivative(self, a_G, c_aiv): """Calculate x-, y-, and z-derivatives of localized function integrals. Calculates the derivatives of this integral:: a / _ _ a - _a A = | dr a(r) f (r - R ), lm / lm a dA lm c_aiv = ----, a R v where v is either x, y, or z and i=l**2+m. Note that the actual integrals used are normalized:: a ~a a I f = f ---, 00 00 a I 00 and for l > 0:: a I ~a a a lm f = f - f ---, lm lm 00 a I 00 where :: a / _ -a _ _a I = | dr f (r - R ), lm / lm so the derivative look pretty ugly! """ c_Mv = np.zeros((self.Mmax, 7)) cspline_M = [] for a in self.atom_indices: for spline in self.sphere_a[a].spline_j: nm = 2 * spline.get_angular_momentum_number() + 1 cspline_M.extend([spline.spline] * nm) gd = self.lfc.normalized_derivative(a_G, c_Mv, np.ascontiguousarray(gd.h_cv), gd.n_c, cspline_M, gd.beg_c, self.pos_Wv) comm = rank = comm.rank srequests = [] rrequests = [] c_ariv = {} b_aiv = {} M1 = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if sphere.rank != rank: c_iv = c_Mv[M1:M2].copy() b_aiv[a] = c_iv srequests.append(comm.send(c_iv, sphere.rank, a, False)) else: if len(sphere.ranks) > 0: c_riv = np.empty((len(sphere.ranks), M2 - M1, 7)) c_ariv[a] = c_riv for r, b_iv in zip(sphere.ranks, c_riv): rrequests.append(comm.receive(b_iv, r, a, False)) M1 = M2 for request in rrequests: comm.wait(request) M1 = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: c_iv = c_aiv.get(a) sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if c_iv is not None: I = self.integral_a[a] if I > 1e-15: if len(sphere.ranks) > 0: c_Mv[M1:M2] += c_ariv[a].sum(axis=0) I_L = sphere.I_M I0 = I_L[0] c_Lv = c_Mv[M1:M2, :3] b_Lv = c_Mv[M1:M2, 3:6] A0 = c_Mv[M1, 6] c_iv[0, :] = (I / I0 * c_Lv[0] - I / I0**2 * b_Lv[0] * A0) c_iv[1:, :] = (c_Lv[1:] - np.outer(I_L[1:] / I0, c_Lv[0]) - A0 / I0 * b_Lv[1:] + A0 / I0**2 * np.outer(I_L[1:], b_Lv[0])) else: c_iv[:] = 0.0 M1 = M2 for request in srequests: comm.wait(request)
[docs] def second_derivative(self, a_xG, c_axivv, q=-1): """Calculate second derivatives. Works only for this type of input for now:: second_derivative(self, a_G, c_avv, q=-1) :: 2 a _ _a / _ _ d f (r-R ) c_avv = | dr a(r) ---------- / a a dR dR i j """ assert not self.use_global_indices if debug: assert a_xG.ndim == 3 assert a_xG.dtype == self.dtype assert sorted(c_axivv.keys()) == self.my_atom_indices dtype = a_xG.dtype c_Mvv = np.zeros((self.Mmax, 3, 3), dtype) cspline_M = [] for a in self.atom_indices: # Works only for atoms with a single function assert len(self.sphere_a[a].spline_j) == 1 spline = self.sphere_a[a].spline_j[0] # that is spherical symmetric assert spline.get_angular_momentum_number() == 0 cspline_M.append(spline.spline) gd = self.lfc.second_derivative(a_xG, c_Mvv, np.ascontiguousarray(gd.h_cv), gd.n_c, cspline_M, gd.beg_c, self.pos_Wv, q) comm = rank = comm.rank srequests = [] rrequests = [] c_arvv = {} b_avv = {} M1 = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if sphere.rank != rank: c_vv = c_Mvv[M1:M2].copy() b_avv[a] = c_vv srequests.append(comm.send(c_vv, sphere.rank, a, False)) else: if len(sphere.ranks) > 0: c_rvv = np.empty(sphere.ranks.shape + (3, 3), dtype) c_arvv[a] = c_rvv for r, b_vv in zip(sphere.ranks, c_rvv): rrequests.append(comm.receive(b_vv, r, a, False)) M1 = M2 for request in rrequests: comm.wait(request) M1 = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: c_vv = c_axivv.get(a) sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax if c_vv is not None: if len(sphere.ranks) > 0: c_vv[:] = c_Mvv[M1] + c_arvv[a].sum(axis=0) else: c_vv[:] = c_Mvv[M1] M1 = M2 for request in srequests: comm.wait(request)
[docs] def griditer(self): """Iterate over grid points.""" self.g_W = np.zeros(len(self.M_W), np.intc) self.current_lfindices = [] G1 = 0 for W, G in zip(self.W_B, self.G_B): G2 = G yield G1, G2 self.g_W[self.current_lfindices] += G2 - G1 if W >= 0: self.current_lfindices.append(W) else: self.current_lfindices.remove(-1 - W) G1 = G2
def get_function_count(self, a): return self.sphere_a[a].get_function_count()
[docs] class BasisFunctions(LocalizedFunctionsCollection): def __init__(self, gd, spline_aj, kd=None, cut=False, dtype=float, integral=None, forces=None, xp=np): LocalizedFunctionsCollection.__init__(self, gd, spline_aj, kd, cut, dtype, integral, forces, xp=xp) self.use_global_indices = True self.Mstart = None self.Mstop = None
[docs] @trace def set_positions(self, spos_ac): LocalizedFunctionsCollection.set_positions(self, spos_ac) self.Mstart = 0 self.Mstop = self.Mmax
def _update(self, spos_ac): sdisp_Wc = LocalizedFunctionsCollection._update(self, spos_ac) if not self.gamma or self.dtype == complex: self.x_W, self.sdisp_xc = self.create_displacement_arrays(sdisp_Wc) return sdisp_Wc def create_displacement_arrays(self, sdisp_Wc=None): if sdisp_Wc is None: sdisp_Wc = np.empty((len(self.M_W), 3), int) W = 0 for a in self.atom_indices: sphere = self.sphere_a[a] nw = len(sphere.M_w) sdisp_Wc[W:W + nw] = sphere.sdisp_wc W += nw if len(sdisp_Wc) > 0: n_c = sdisp_Wc.max(0) - sdisp_Wc.min(0) else: n_c = np.zeros(3, int) N_c = 2 * n_c + 1 stride_c = np.array([N_c[1] * N_c[2], N_c[2], 1]) x_W =, stride_c).astype(np.intc) # use a neighbor list instead? x1 =, stride_c) sdisp_xc = np.zeros((x1 + 1, 3), int) r_x, sdisp_xc[:, 2] = divmod(np.arange(x1, 2 * x1 + 1), N_c[2]) sdisp_xc.T[:2] = divmod(r_x, N_c[1]) sdisp_xc -= n_c return x_W, sdisp_xc def set_matrix_distribution(self, Mstart, Mstop): assert self.Mmax is not None self.Mstart = Mstart self.Mstop = Mstop
[docs] def add_to_density(self, nt_sG, f_asi): r"""Add linear combination of squared localized functions to density. ::: ~ --- a a 2 n (r) += > f [Φ(r)] s --- si i a,i """ assert np.all( == nt_sG.shape[1:]) nspins = len(nt_sG) f_sM = np.empty((nspins, self.Mmax)) for a in self.atom_indices: sphere = self.sphere_a[a] M1 = self.M_a[a] M2 = M1 + sphere.Mmax f_sM[:, M1:M2] = f_asi[a] for nt_G, f_M in zip(nt_sG, f_sM): self.lfc.construct_density1(f_M, nt_G)
[docs] def construct_density(self, rho_MM, nt_G, q): """Calculate electron density from density matrix. rho_MM: ndarray Density matrix. nt_G: ndarray Pseudo electron density. :: ~ -- * n(r) += > Phi (r) rho Phi (r) -- M1 M1M2 M2 M1,M2 """ self.lfc.construct_density(rho_MM, nt_G, q, self.Mstart, self.Mstop)
[docs] def integrate2(self, a_xG, c_xM, q=-1): """Calculate integrals of arrays times localized functions. :: / * c_xM += <Phi | a > = | dG Phi (G) a (G) M x / M x """ xshape, Gshape = a_xG.shape[:-3], a_xG.shape[-3:] Nx = int( a_xG = a_xG.reshape((Nx,) + Gshape) c_xM = c_xM.reshape(Nx, -1) for a_G, c_M in zip(a_xG, c_xM): self.lfc.integrate(a_G, c_M, q)
[docs] def calculate_potential_matrices(self, vt_G): """Calculate lower part of potential matrix. :: / ~ | * _ ~ _ _ _ V = | Phi (r) v(r) Phi (r) dr for mu >= nu mu nu | mu nu / Overwrites the elements of the target matrix Vt_MM. """ assert np.all(vt_G.shape ==, (vt_G.shape, if self.gamma and self.dtype == float: Vt_xMM = np.zeros((1, self.Mstop - self.Mstart, self.Mmax)) self.lfc.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_G, Vt_xMM[0], -1, self.Mstart, self.Mstop) else: Vt_xMM = np.zeros((len(self.sdisp_xc), self.Mstop - self.Mstart, self.Mmax)) self.lfc.calculate_potential_matrices(vt_G, Vt_xMM, self.x_W, self.Mstart, self.Mstop) return Vt_xMM
[docs] def calculate_potential_matrix(self, vt_G, Vt_MM, q): """Calculate lower part of potential matrix. :: / ~ | * _ ~ _ _ _ V = | Phi (r) v(r) Phi (r) dr for mu >= nu mu nu | mu nu / Overwrites the elements of the target matrix Vt_MM. """ Vt_MM[:] = 0.0 self.lfc.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_G, Vt_MM, q, self.Mstart, self.Mstop)
[docs] def lcao_to_grid(self, C_xM: np.ndarray, psit_xG: np.ndarray, q: int, block_size: int = 10) -> None: r"""Deploy basis functions onto grids according to coefficients. :: ---- ~ _ \ _ psi (r) += ) C Phi (r) n / n mu mu ---- mu """ if C_xM.size == 0: return if psit_xG.dtype != self.dtype: raise TypeError( f'psit_xG has type {psit_xG.dtype}, ' f'but expected one of {self.dtype}') if C_xM.dtype != self.dtype: raise TypeError( f'C_xM has type {C_xM.dtype}, ' f'but expected one of {self.dtype}') xshape = C_xM.shape[:-1] assert psit_xG.shape[:-3] == xshape, (psit_xG.shape, xshape) C_xM = C_xM.reshape((-1,) + C_xM.shape[-1:]) psit_xG = psit_xG.reshape((-1,) + psit_xG.shape[-3:]) if self.gamma or len(C_xM) == 1: for C_M, psit_G in zip(C_xM, psit_xG): self.lfc.lcao_to_grid(C_M, psit_G, q) else: # Do sum over unit cells first followed by sum over bands # in blocks of block_size orbitals at the time: assert C_xM.flags.contiguous assert psit_xG.flags.contiguous self.lfc.lcao_to_grid_k(C_xM, psit_xG, q, block_size)
[docs] def calculate_potential_matrix_derivative(self, vt_G, DVt_vMM, q): """Calculate derivatives of potential matrix elements. :: / * _ | Phi (r) ~c | mu ~ _ _ _ DV += | -------- v(r) Phi (r) dr mu nu | dr nu / c Results are added to DVt_vMM. """ cspline_M = [] for a, sphere in enumerate(self.sphere_a): for j, spline in enumerate(sphere.spline_j): nm = 2 * spline.get_angular_momentum_number() + 1 cspline_M.extend([spline.spline] * nm) gd = for v in range(3): self.lfc.calculate_potential_matrix_derivative( vt_G, DVt_vMM[v], np.ascontiguousarray(gd.h_cv), gd.n_c, q, v, np.array(cspline_M), gd.beg_c, self.pos_Wv, self.Mstart, self.Mstop)
[docs] def calculate_force_contribution(self, vt_G, rhoT_MM, q): """Calculate derivatives of potential matrix elements. :: / * _ | Phi (r) ~c | mu ~ _ _ _ DV += | -------- v(r) Phi (r) dr mu nu | dr nu / c Results are added to DVt_vMM. """ assert np.all(vt_G.shape == cspline_M = [] for a, sphere in enumerate(self.sphere_a): for j, spline in enumerate(sphere.spline_j): nm = 2 * spline.get_angular_momentum_number() + 1 cspline_M.extend([spline.spline] * nm) gd = Mstart = self.Mstart Mstop = self.Mstop F_vM = np.zeros((3, Mstop - Mstart)) assert self.Mmax == rhoT_MM.shape[1] assert Mstop - Mstart == rhoT_MM.shape[0] assert rhoT_MM.flags.c_contiguous for v in range(3): self.lfc.calculate_potential_matrix_force_contribution( vt_G, rhoT_MM, F_vM[v], np.ascontiguousarray(gd.h_cv), gd.n_c, q, v, np.array(cspline_M), gd.beg_c, self.pos_Wv, Mstart, Mstop) F_av = np.zeros((len(self.M_a), 3)) a = 0 for a, M1 in enumerate(self.M_a): M1 -= Mstart M2 = M1 + self.sphere_a[a].Mmax if M2 < 0: continue M1 = max(0, M1) F_av[a, :] = 2.0 * F_vM[:, M1:M2].sum(axis=1) return F_av
def LFC(gd, spline_aj, kd=None, cut=False, dtype=float, integral=None, forces=False): if isinstance(gd, GridDescriptor): return LocalizedFunctionsCollection(gd, spline_aj, kd, cut, dtype, integral, forces) else: return gd.get_lfc(gd, spline_aj) def test(): from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor ngpts = 40 h = 1 / ngpts N_c = (ngpts, ngpts, ngpts) a = h * ngpts gd = GridDescriptor(N_c, (a, a, a)) from gpaw.spline import Spline a = np.array([1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.0]) s = Spline.from_data(0, 0.2, a) x = LocalizedFunctionsCollection(gd, [[s], [s]]) x.set_positions([(0.5, 0.45, 0.5), (0.5, 0.55, 0.5)]) n_G = gd.zeros() x.add(n_G) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.contourf(n_G[20, :, :]) plt.axis('equal') if __name__ == '__main__': test()