from __future__ import annotations
from math import nan
from operator import attrgetter
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List,
Optional, Tuple)
import numpy as np
from ase.units import Bohr, Ha, alpha
from gpaw.band_descriptor import BandDescriptor
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor
from gpaw.ibz2bz import IBZ2BZMaps
from gpaw.kpoint import KPoint
from gpaw.kpt_descriptor import KPointDescriptor
from gpaw.mpi import broadcast_array, serial_comm
from gpaw.occupations import OccupationNumberCalculator, ParallelLayout
from gpaw.projections import Projections
from gpaw.setup import Setup
from gpaw.typing import Array1D, Array2D, Array3D, Array4D, ArrayND
from gpaw.utilities.partition import AtomPartition
from gpaw.calculator import GPAW # noqa
from import ASECalculator
_L_vlmm: List[List[np.ndarray]] = [] # see get_L_vlmm() below
class WaveFunction:
def __init__(self,
eigenvalues: Array1D,
projections: Projections,
bz_index: int = None):
self.eig_m = eigenvalues
self.projections = projections
self.spin_projection_mv: Optional[Array2D] = None
self.v_mn: Optional[Array2D] = None
self.f_m = np.empty_like(self.eig_m)
self.f_m[:] = nan
self.bz_index = bz_index
def redistribute_atoms(self,
atom_partition: AtomPartition
) -> WaveFunction:
projections = self.projections.redist(atom_partition)
return WaveFunction(self.eig_m.copy(), projections, self.bz_index)
def add_soc(self,
dVL_avii: Dict[int, Array3D],
s_vss: List[Array2D],
C_ss: Array2D) -> None:
"""Evaluate H in a basis of S_z eigenstates."""
if self.projections.bcomm.rank > 0:
M = self.projections.nbands
H_mm = np.zeros((M, M), complex)
for a, dVL_vii in dVL_avii.items():
ni = dVL_vii.shape[1]
H_ssii = np.zeros((2, 2, ni, ni), complex)
H_ssii[0, 0] = dVL_vii[2]
H_ssii[0, 1] = dVL_vii[0] - 1.0j * dVL_vii[1]
H_ssii[1, 0] = dVL_vii[0] + 1.0j * dVL_vii[1]
H_ssii[1, 1] = -dVL_vii[2]
# Tranform to theta, phi basis
H_ssii = np.tensordot(C_ss, H_ssii, (0, 1))
H_ssii = np.tensordot(C_ss.T.conj(), H_ssii, (1, 1))
H_ssii *= Ha
P_msi = self.projections[a]
for s1 in range(2):
for s2 in range(2):
H_ii = H_ssii[s1, s2]
P1_mi = P_msi[:, s1]
P2_mi = P_msi[:, s2]
H_mm +=, H_ii), P2_mi.T)
domain_comm = self.projections.atom_partition.comm
domain_comm.sum(H_mm, 0)
if domain_comm.rank == 0:
H_mm += np.diag(self.eig_m)
self.eig_m, v_nm = np.linalg.eigh(H_mm)
v_nm = np.empty((M, M), complex)
domain_comm.broadcast(v_nm, 0)
P_mI = self.projections.matrix.array
P_mI[:] = v_nm.T.copy().dot(P_mI)
sx_m = []
sy_m = []
sz_m = []
v_msn = v_nm.copy().reshape((M // 2, 2, M)).T.copy()
for v_sn in v_msn:
self.spin_projection_mv = np.array([sx_m, sy_m, sz_m]).real.T.copy()
self.v_mn = v_nm.T
def wavefunctions(self, calc, periodic=True):
kd = calc.wfs.kd
assert kd.nibzkpts == kd.nbzkpts
# For spinors the number of bands is doubled and a
# spin dimension is added
Ns = calc.wfs.nspins
Nm, Nn = self.v_mn.shape
if calc.wfs.collinear:
u_snR = [[calc.wfs.get_wave_function_array(n, self.bz_index, s,
for n in range(Nn // 2)]
for s in range(Ns)]
u_msR = np.empty((Nm, 2) + u_snR[0][0].shape, complex)
np.einsum('mn, nabc -> mabc', self.v_mn[:, ::2], u_snR[0],
out=u_msR[:, 0])
np.einsum('mn, nabc -> mabc', self.v_mn[:, 1::2], u_snR[-1],
out=u_msR[:, 1])
u_nsR = np.array(
[calc.wfs.get_wave_function_array(n, self.bz_index, 0,
for n in range(Nn)])
u_msR = np.einsum('mn, nsxyz -> msxyz',
self.v_mn, u_nsR)
return u_msR
def P_amj(self):
M = self.projections.nbands
return {
a: P_msi.transpose((0, 2, 1)).copy().reshape((M, -1))
for a, P_msi in self.projections.items()}
def pdos_weights(self,
a: int,
indices: List[int]
) -> Array3D:
"""PDOS weights."""
dos_ms = np.zeros((self.projections.nbands, 2))
P_amsi = self.projections
if a in P_amsi:
dos_ms[:, :] = (abs(P_amsi[a][:, :, indices])**2).sum(2)
return dos_ms
class BZWaveFunctions:
"""Container for eigenvalues and PAW projections (all of BZ)."""
def __init__(self,
kd: KPointDescriptor,
wfs: Dict[int, WaveFunction],
occ: Optional[OccupationNumberCalculator],
nelectrons: float,
n_aj: List[List[int]],
l_aj: List[List[int]]):
self.wfs = wfs
self.occ = occ
self.nelectrons = nelectrons
self.n_aj = n_aj
self.l_aj = l_aj
self.nbzkpts = kd.nbzkpts
# Initialize ranks:
self.ranks = np.zeros(kd.nbzkpts, int)
for k in wfs:
self.ranks[k] = kd.comm.rank
wf = next(iter(wfs.values())) # get the first WaveFunction object
self.shape = (kd.nbzkpts, wf.projections.nbands)
self.domain_comm = wf.projections.atom_partition.comm
self.bcomm = wf.projections.bcomm
self.kpt_comm = kd.comm
self.fermi_level = self._calculate_occ_numbers_and_fermi_level()
self.size = kd.N_c
self.bz2ibz_map = np.arange(self.nbzkpts)
def weights(self):
return np.zeros(len(self)) + 1 / self.nbzkpts
def _calculate_occ_numbers_and_fermi_level(self) -> float:
if self.occ is not None:
eig_im = [wf.eig_m for wf in self]
weight = 1.0 / self.nbzkpts
weight_i = [weight] * len(eig_im)
f_im, (fermi_level,), _ = self.occ.calculate(
for wf, f_m in zip(self, f_im):
wf.f_m[:] = f_m
fermi_level = 0.0
if self.domain_comm.rank == 0 and self.bcomm.rank == 0:
fermi_level = self.bcomm.sum_scalar(fermi_level)
fermi_level = self.domain_comm.sum_scalar(fermi_level)
return fermi_level
def calculate_band_energy(self) -> float:
"""Calculate sum over occupied eigenvalues."""
if self.domain_comm.rank == 0 and self.bcomm.rank == 0:
weight = 1.0 / self.nbzkpts
e_band = sum( for wf in self) * weight
e_band = self.kpt_comm.sum_scalar(e_band)
e_band = 0.0
if self.domain_comm.rank == 0:
e_band = self.bcomm.sum_scalar(e_band)
e_band = self.domain_comm.sum_scalar(e_band)
return e_band
def __iter__(self):
for bz_index in sorted(self.wfs):
yield self[bz_index]
def __getitem__(self, bz_index):
return self.wfs[bz_index]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.wfs)
def eigenvalues(self,
broadcast: bool = True
) -> Array2D:
"""Eigenvalues in eV for the whole BZ."""
return self._collect(attrgetter('eig_m'), broadcast=broadcast)
def occupation_numbers(self,
broadcast: bool = True
) -> Array2D:
"""Occupation numbers for the whole BZ."""
return self._collect(attrgetter('f_m'), broadcast=broadcast)
def eigenvectors(self,
broadcast: bool = True
) -> Array4D:
"""Eigenvectors for the whole BZ."""
nbands = self.shape[1]
assert nbands % 2 == 0
return self._collect(attrgetter('v_mn'), (nbands,), complex,
def spin_projections(self,
broadcast: bool = True
) -> Array3D:
"""Spin projections for the whole BZ."""
return self._collect(attrgetter('spin_projection_mv'), (3,),
def get_atomic_density_matrices(self):
"""Returns atomic density matrices for each atom."""
from import add_to_4component_density_matrix
assert self.domain_comm.size == 1
assert self.bcomm.size == 1
D_asii = {} # Could also be an AtomArrays object?
for a, l_j in enumerate(self.l_aj):
ni = (2 * np.array(l_j) + 1).sum()
D_sii = np.zeros([4, ni, ni], dtype=complex)
for wfs, weight in zip(self.wfs.values(), self.weights()):
add_to_4component_density_matrix(D_sii, wfs.projections[a],
wfs.f_m * weight, np)
D_asii[a] = D_sii
return D_asii
def get_orbital_magnetic_moments(self):
"""Returns the orbital magnetic moment vector for each atom a."""
D_asii = self.get_atomic_density_matrices()
from import calculate_orbmag_from_density
return calculate_orbmag_from_density(D_asii, self.n_aj, self.l_aj)
def pdos_weights(self,
a: int,
indices: List[int],
broadcast: bool = True
) -> Array4D:
"""Projections for PDOS.
Returns (nbzkpts, nbands, 2)-shaped ndarray
of the square of absolute value of the projections.
def func(wf):
return wf.pdos_weights(a, indices)
return self._collect(func,
def _collect(self,
func: Callable[[WaveFunction], ArrayND],
shape: Tuple[int, ...] = None,
broadcast: bool = True,
sum_over_domain: bool = False) -> ArrayND:
"""Helper method for collecting (and broadcasting) ndarrays."""
total_shape = self.shape + (shape or ())
if broadcast:
array_kmx = self._collect(func,
if array_kmx.ndim == 0:
array_kmx = np.empty(total_shape, dtype)
return broadcast_array(array_kmx,
self.kpt_comm, self.bcomm, self.domain_comm)
if self.bcomm.rank != 0:
return np.empty(shape=())
if not sum_over_domain and self.domain_comm.rank != 0:
return np.empty(shape=())
comm = self.kpt_comm
if comm.rank == 0:
array_kmx = np.empty(total_shape, dtype)
for k, rank in enumerate(self.ranks):
if rank == 0:
array_kmx[k] = func(self[k])
comm.receive(array_kmx[k], rank)
if sum_over_domain:
if self.domain_comm.rank == 0:
return array_kmx
return np.empty(shape=())
for k, rank in enumerate(self.ranks):
if rank == comm.rank:
comm.send(func(self[k]), 0)
return np.empty(shape=())
def soc_eigenstates_raw(ibzwfs: Iterable[Tuple[int, WaveFunction]],
dVL_avii: Dict[int, Array3D],
ibz2bzmaps: IBZ2BZMaps,
theta: float = 0.0,
phi: float = 0.0) -> Dict[int, WaveFunction]:
theta *= np.pi / 180
phi *= np.pi / 180
# Hamiltonian with SO in KS basis
# The even indices in H_mm are spin up along \hat n defined by \theta, phi
# Basis change matrix for constructing Pauli matrices in \theta,\phi basis:
# \sigma_i^n = C^\dag\sigma_i C
C_ss = np.array([[np.cos(theta / 2) * np.exp(-1.0j * phi / 2),
-np.sin(theta / 2) * np.exp(-1.0j * phi / 2)],
[np.sin(theta / 2) * np.exp(1.0j * phi / 2),
np.cos(theta / 2) * np.exp(1.0j * phi / 2)]])
sx_ss = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]], complex)
sy_ss = np.array([[0, -1.0j], [1.0j, 0]], complex)
sz_ss = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]], complex)
s_vss = [C_ss.T.conj() @ sx_ss @ C_ss,
C_ss.T.conj() @ sy_ss @ C_ss,
C_ss.T.conj() @ sz_ss @ C_ss]
bzwfs = {}
for ibz_index, ibzwf in ibzwfs:
for K in np.nonzero(ibz2bzmaps.kd.bz2ibz_k == ibz_index)[0]:
bzwf = ibzwf.transform(ibz2bzmaps[K], K)
# Redistribute to match dVL_avii:
bzwf = bzwf.redistribute_atoms(atom_partition)
bzwf.add_soc(dVL_avii, s_vss, C_ss)
bzwfs[K] = bzwf
return bzwfs
def extract_ibz_wave_functions(kpt_qs: List[List[KPoint]],
bd: BandDescriptor,
gd: GridDescriptor,
n1: int,
n2: int,
eigenvalues: Array3D = None
) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, WaveFunction]]:
"""Yield tuples of IBZ-index and wave functions.
All atoms and bands will be on rank == 0 of gd.comm and bd.comm
respectively. This makes slicing the bands (from n1 to n2-1)
and symmetry operations on the projections easier.
nproj_a = kpt_qs[0][0].projections.nproj_a
collinear = kpt_qs[0][0].s is not None
nbands = n2 - n1
if collinear:
nbands *= 2
# All atoms on rank-0:
atom_partition = AtomPartition(gd.comm, np.zeros_like(nproj_a))
# All bands on rank-0 (nrow * ncol = 1 * 1):
bdist = (bd.comm, 1, 1)
for kpt_s in kpt_qs:
# Collect bands and atoms to bd.comm.rank == 0 and gd.comm.rank == 0:
if eigenvalues is None:
eig_sn = [bd.collect(kpt.eps_n) for kpt in kpt_s]
P_snI = [kpt.projections.collect() for kpt in kpt_s]
projections = Projections(
if bd.comm.rank == 0 and gd.comm.rank == 0:
P1_nI = P_snI[0]
P2_nI = P_snI[-1]
assert P1_nI is not None
assert P2_nI is not None
if collinear:
eig_m = np.empty((n2 - n1) * 2)
if eigenvalues is None:
eig_m[::2] = eig_sn[0][n1:n2] * Ha
eig_m[1::2] = eig_sn[-1][n1:n2] * Ha
for s in range(2):
eig_m[s::2] = eigenvalues[-s, kpt_s[-s].k]
projections.array[:] = 0.0
projections.array[::2, 0] = P1_nI[n1:n2]
projections.array[1::2, 1] = P2_nI[n1:n2]
eig_m = eig_sn[0][n1:n2] * Ha
projections.matrix.array[:] = P1_nI[n1:n2]
eig_m = np.empty(0)
ibz_index = kpt_s[0].k
yield ibz_index, WaveFunction(eig_m, projections)
def soc_eigenstates(calc: ASECalculator | GPAW | str | Path,
n1: int = None,
n2: int = None,
scale: float = 1.0,
theta: float = 0.0, # degrees
phi: float = 0.0, # degrees
eigenvalues: Array3D = None, # eV
occcalc: OccupationNumberCalculator = None,
projected: bool = False
) -> BZWaveFunctions:
"""Calculate SOC eigenstates.
calc: Calculator
GPAW calculator or path to gpw-file.
n1, n2: int
Range of bands to include (n1 <= n < n2). Default is all
bands available.
scale: float
Scale the spinorbit coupling by this amount.
theta: float
Angle in degrees.
phi: float
Angle in degrees.
eigenvalues: ndarray
Optionally use these eigenvalues instead for those from *calc*.
The shape must be: (nspins, nibzkpts, n2 - n1). Units: eV.
Occupation-number calculator. By default, the one from *calc*
will be used.
Returns a BZWaveFunctions object covering the whole BZ.
from gpaw.calculator import GPAW # noqa
if isinstance(calc, (str, Path)):
calc = GPAW(calc)
n1 = n1 or 0
n2 = n2 or 0
if n2 <= 0:
if eigenvalues is None:
nbands = calc.get_number_of_bands()
nbands = eigenvalues.shape[2]
n2 += nbands
# <phi_i|dV_adr / r * L_v|phi_j>
dVL_avii = {a: soc(calc.wfs.setups[a],
calc.hamiltonian.xc, D_sp) * scale
for a, D_sp in calc.density.D_asp.items()}
if projected:
dVL_avii = {a: projected_soc(dVL_vii, theta=theta, phi=phi)
for a, dVL_vii in dVL_avii.items()}
kd = calc.wfs.kd
bd =
gd =
atom_partition = calc.density.atom_partition
if eigenvalues is not None:
assert eigenvalues.shape == (kd.nspins, kd.nibzkpts, n2 - n1)
ibzwfs = extract_ibz_wave_functions(calc.wfs.kpt_qs,
bd, gd, n1, n2, eigenvalues)
ibz2bzmaps = IBZ2BZMaps.from_calculator(calc)
bzwfs = soc_eigenstates_raw(ibzwfs,
theta, phi)
if bd.comm.rank == 0 and gd.comm.rank == 0:
parallel_layout = ParallelLayout(BandDescriptor(1),
occcalc = occcalc or calc.wfs.occupations
occcalc = occcalc.copy(bz2ibzmap=list(range(kd.nbzkpts)),
occcalc = None
n_aj = [setup.n_j for setup in calc.wfs.setups]
l_aj = [setup.l_j for setup in calc.wfs.setups]
return BZWaveFunctions(kd, bzwfs, occcalc, calc.wfs.nvalence, n_aj, l_aj)
def soc(a: Setup, xc, D_sp: Array2D) -> Array3D:
"""<phi_i|dU^a/dr / r * L_v|phi_j>"""
v_g = get_radial_potential_derivative(a, xc, D_sp)
Ng = len(v_g)
phi_jg =
Lx_lmm, Ly_lmm, Lz_lmm = get_L_vlmm()
dVL_vii = np.zeros((3,,, complex)
N1 = 0
for j1, l1 in enumerate(a.l_j):
Nm = 2 * l1 + 1
N2 = 0
for j2, l2 in enumerate(a.l_j):
if l1 == l2:
f_g = phi_jg[j1][:Ng] * v_g * phi_jg[j2][:Ng]
c = a.xc_correction.rgd.integrate(f_g, n=-1) / (4 * np.pi)
dVL_vii[0, N1:N1 + Nm, N2:N2 + Nm] = c * Lx_lmm[l1]
dVL_vii[1, N1:N1 + Nm, N2:N2 + Nm] = c * Ly_lmm[l1]
dVL_vii[2, N1:N1 + Nm, N2:N2 + Nm] = c * Lz_lmm[l1]
N2 += 2 * l2 + 1
N1 += Nm
return dVL_vii * alpha**2 / 4.0
def projected_soc(dVL_vii: Array3D,
theta: float = 0,
phi: float = 0) -> Array3D:
Optional Args:
theta (float): The angle from z-axis in degrees
phi (float): The angle from x-axis in degrees
theta *= np.pi / 180
phi *= np.pi / 180
n_v = np.array([np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi),
np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi),
dVL_vii = (, n_v)[:, :, np.newaxis] * n_v).T
return dVL_vii
def get_radial_potential_derivative(a: Setup, xc, D_sp: Array2D) -> Array1D:
"""Calculates (dU/dr) for the effective potential.
Below, f_g denotes dU/dr which is also the negative of the radial force"""
rgd = a.xc_correction.rgd
r_g = rgd.r_g.copy()
r_g[0] = 1.0e-12
dr_g = rgd.dr_g
B_pq = a.xc_correction.B_pqL[:, :, 0]
n_qg = a.xc_correction.n_qg
D_sq =, B_pq)
n_sg =, n_qg) / (4 * np.pi)**0.5
Ns = len(D_sp)
if Ns == 4:
Ns = 1
n_sg[:Ns] += a.xc_correction.nc_g / Ns
# Coulomb force from nucleus
fc_g = a.Z / r_g**2
# Hartree force
rho_g = 4 * np.pi * r_g**2 * dr_g * np.sum(n_sg[:Ns], axis=0)
fh_g = -np.array([np.sum(rho_g[:ig]) for ig in range(len(r_g))]) / r_g**2
f_g = fc_g + fh_g
# xc force
if xc.type != 'GLLB':
v_sg = np.zeros_like(n_sg)
xc.calculate_spherical(rgd, n_sg, v_sg)
fxc_g = np.mean([rgd.derivative(v_g) for v_g in v_sg[:Ns]],
f_g += fxc_g
return f_g
def get_anisotropy(calc, theta=0.0, phi=0.0, nbands=0, width=None):
"""Calculates the sum of occupied spinorbit eigenvalues.
Returns the result relative to the sum of eigenvalues without
spinorbit coupling.
raise RuntimeError('Please use BZWaveFunctions.calculate_band_energy() '
def get_magnetic_moments(calc, theta=0.0, phi=0.0, nbands=None, width=None):
"""Calculates the magnetic moments inside all PAW spheres"""
raise RuntimeError(
'This function has no tests. It is very likely that it no longer '
'works correctly after merging !677.')
from gpaw.utilities import unpack_hermitian
if nbands is None:
nbands = calc.get_number_of_bands()
Nk = len(calc.get_ibz_k_points())
C_ss = np.array([[np.cos(theta / 2) * np.exp(-1.0j * phi / 2),
-np.sin(theta / 2) * np.exp(-1.0j * phi / 2)],
[np.sin(theta / 2) * np.exp(1.0j * phi / 2),
np.cos(theta / 2) * np.exp(1.0j * phi / 2)]])
sx_ss = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]], complex)
sy_ss = np.array([[0, -1.0j], [1.0j, 0]], complex)
sz_ss = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]], complex)
sx_ss = C_ss.T.conj().dot(sx_ss).dot(C_ss)
sy_ss = C_ss.T.conj().dot(sy_ss).dot(C_ss)
sz_ss = C_ss.T.conj().dot(sz_ss).dot(C_ss)
states = soc_eigenstates(calc,
e_km = states['eigenvalues']
v_knm = states['eigenstates']
from gpaw.occupations import occupation_numbers
if width is None:
assert == 'fermi-dirac'
width = calc.wfs.occupations._width
if width == 0.0:
width = 1.e-6
weight_k = calc.get_k_point_weights() / 2
ne = calc.wfs.setups.nvalence - calc.density.charge
f_km = occupation_numbers({'name': 'fermi-dirac', 'width': width},
m_v = np.zeros(3, complex)
for ik in range(Nk):
ut0_nG = np.array([calc.wfs.get_wave_function_array(n, ik, 0)
for n in range(nbands)])
ut1_nG = np.array([calc.wfs.get_wave_function_array(n, ik, 1)
for n in range(nbands)])
mocc = np.where(f_km[ik] * Nk - 1.0e-6 < 0.0)[0][0]
for m in range(mocc + 1):
f = f_km[ik, m]
ut0_G =[ik][::2, m], np.swapaxes(ut0_nG, 0, 2))
ut1_G =[ik][1::2, m], np.swapaxes(ut1_nG, 0, 2))
ut_sG = np.array([ut0_G, ut1_G])
mx_G = np.zeros(np.shape(ut0_G), complex)
my_G = np.zeros(np.shape(ut0_G), complex)
mz_G = np.zeros(np.shape(ut0_G), complex)
for s1 in range(2):
for s2 in range(2):
mx_G += ut_sG[s1].conj() * sx_ss[s1, s2] * ut_sG[s2]
my_G += ut_sG[s1].conj() * sy_ss[s1, s2] * ut_sG[s2]
mz_G += ut_sG[s1].conj() * sz_ss[s1, s2] * ut_sG[s2]
m_v +=[mx_G, my_G, mz_G])) * f
m_av = []
for a in range(len(calc.atoms)):
N0_p = calc.density.setups[a].N0_p.copy()
N0_ij = unpack_hermitian(N0_p)
Dx_ij = np.zeros_like(N0_ij, complex)
Dy_ij = np.zeros_like(N0_ij, complex)
Dz_ij = np.zeros_like(N0_ij, complex)
Delta_p = calc.density.setups[a].Delta_pL[:, 0].copy()
Delta_ij = unpack_hermitian(Delta_p)
for ik in range(Nk):
P_ami = ... # get_spinorbit_projections(calc, ik, v_knm[ik])
P_smi = np.array([P_ami[a][:, ::2], P_ami[a][:, 1::2]])
P_smi =, np.swapaxes(P_smi, 0, 1))
P0_mi = P_smi[0]
P1_mi = P_smi[1]
f_mm = np.diag(f_km[ik])
Dx_ij += P0_mi.conj()
Dx_ij += P1_mi.conj()
Dy_ij -= 1.0j * P0_mi.conj()
Dy_ij += 1.0j * P1_mi.conj()
Dz_ij += P0_mi.conj()
Dz_ij -= P1_mi.conj()
mx = np.sum(N0_ij * Dx_ij).real
my = np.sum(N0_ij * Dy_ij).real
mz = np.sum(N0_ij * Dz_ij).real
m_av.append([mx, my, mz])
m_v[0] += np.sum(Delta_ij * Dx_ij) * (4 * np.pi)**0.5
m_v[1] += np.sum(Delta_ij * Dy_ij) * (4 * np.pi)**0.5
m_v[2] += np.sum(Delta_ij * Dz_ij) * (4 * np.pi)**0.5
return m_v.real, m_av
def get_parity_eigenvalues(calc, ik=0, spin_orbit=False, bands=None, Nv=None,
inversion_center=[0, 0, 0], deg_tol=1.0e-6,
"""Calculates parity eigenvalues at time-reversal invariant k-points.
Only works in plane wave mode.
assert len(calc.get_bz_k_points()) == len(calc.get_ibz_k_points())
kpt_c = calc.get_ibz_k_points()[ik]
if Nv is None:
Nv = int(calc.get_number_of_electrons() / 2)
if bands is None:
bands = range(calc.get_number_of_bands())
# Find degenerate subspaces
eig_n = calc.get_eigenvalues(kpt=ik)[bands]
e_in = []
used_n = []
for n1, e1 in enumerate(eig_n):
if n1 not in used_n:
n_n = []
for n2, e2 in enumerate(eig_n):
if np.abs(e1 - e2) < deg_tol:
print(f' Inversion center at: {inversion_center}')
print(f' Calculating inversion eigenvalues at k = {kpt_c}')
center_v = np.array(inversion_center) / Bohr
G_Gv = calc.wfs.pd.get_reciprocal_vectors(q=ik, add_q=True)
psit_nG = np.array([calc.wfs.kpt_u[ik].psit_nG[n]
for n in bands])
if spin_orbit:
n1 = bands[0]
n2 = bands[-1] + 1
assert (bands == np.arange(n1, n2)).all()
soc = soc_eigenstates(calc, n1=n1, n2=n2)
v_kmn = soc.eigenvectors()
psit0_mG =[ik, :, ::2], psit_nG)
psit1_mG =[ik, :, 1::2], psit_nG)
for n in range(len(bands)):
psit_nG[n] /= (np.sum(np.abs(psit_nG[n])**2))**0.5
if spin_orbit:
for n in range(2 * len(bands)):
A = np.sum(np.abs(psit0_mG[n])**2) + np.sum(np.abs(psit1_mG[n])**2)
psit0_mG[n] /= A**0.5
psit1_mG[n] /= A**0.5
P_GG = np.ones((len(G_Gv), len(G_Gv)), float)
for iG, G_v in enumerate(G_Gv):
P_GG[iG] -= ((G_Gv[:] + G_v).round(6)).any(axis=1)
assert (P_GG == P_GG.T).all()
phase_G = np.exp(-2.0j *, center_v))
p_n = []
print('n P_n')
for n_n in e_in:
if spin_orbit:
# The dimension of parity matrix is doubled with spinorbit
m_m = [2 * n_n[0] + i for i in range(2 * len(n_n))]
Ppsit0_mG =, psit0_mG[m_m].T).T
Ppsit0_mG[:] *= phase_G
Ppsit1_mG =, psit1_mG[m_m].T).T
Ppsit1_mG[:] *= phase_G
P_nn =[m_m].conj(), np.array(Ppsit0_mG).T)
P_nn +=[m_m].conj(), np.array(Ppsit1_mG).T)
Ppsit_nG =, psit_nG[n_n].T).T
Ppsit_nG[:] *= phase_G
P_nn =[n_n].conj(), np.array(Ppsit_nG).T)
P_eig = np.linalg.eigh(P_nn)[0]
if np.allclose(np.abs(P_eig), 1, tol):
P_n = np.sign(P_eig).astype(int).tolist()
if spin_orbit:
# Only include one of the degenerate pair of eigenvalues
Pm = np.sign(P_eig).tolist().count(-1)
Pp = np.sign(P_eig).tolist().count(1)
P_n = Pm // 2 * [-1] + Pp // 2 * [1]
print(f'{str(n_n)[1:-1]}: {str(P_n)[1:-1]}')
p_n += P_n
print(f' {n_n} are not parity eigenstates')
print(f' P_n: {P_eig}')
print(f' e_n: {eig_n[n_n]}')
p_n += [0 for n in n_n]
return np.ravel(p_n)
def get_L_vlmm():
if len(_L_vlmm) == 3:
return _L_vlmm
s = np.array([[0.0]])
p = np.zeros((3, 3), complex) # y, z, x
p[0, 1] = -1.0j
p[1, 0] = 1.0j
d = np.zeros((5, 5), complex) # xy, yz, z^2, xz, x^2-y^2
d[0, 3] = -1.0j
d[3, 0] = 1.0j
d[1, 2] = -3**0.5 * 1.0j
d[2, 1] = 3**0.5 * 1.0j
d[1, 4] = -1.0j
d[4, 1] = 1.0j
f = np.zeros((7, 7), complex)
f[0, 5] = -0.5 * 6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[5, 0] = 0.5 * 6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[1, 4] = -0.5 * 10**0.5 * 1.0j
f[4, 1] = 0.5 * 10**0.5 * 1.0j
f[1, 6] = -0.5 * 6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[6, 1] = 0.5 * 6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[2, 3] = -6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[3, 2] = 6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[2, 5] = -0.5 * 10**0.5 * 1.0j
f[5, 2] = 0.5 * 10**0.5 * 1.0j
_L_vlmm.append([s, p, d, f])
p = np.zeros((3, 3), complex) # y, z, x
p[1, 2] = -1.0j
p[2, 1] = 1.0j
d = np.zeros((5, 5), complex) # xy, yz, z^2, xz, x^2-y^2
d[0, 1] = 1.0j
d[1, 0] = -1.0j
d[2, 3] = -3**0.5 * 1.0j
d[3, 2] = 3**0.5 * 1.0j
d[3, 4] = -1.0j
d[4, 3] = 1.0j
f = np.zeros((7, 7), complex)
f[0, 1] = 0.5 * 6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[1, 0] = -0.5 * 6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[1, 2] = 0.5 * 10**0.5 * 1.0j
f[2, 1] = -0.5 * 10**0.5 * 1.0j
f[3, 4] = -6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[4, 3] = 6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[4, 5] = -0.5 * 10**0.5 * 1.0j
f[5, 4] = 0.5 * 10**0.5 * 1.0j
f[5, 6] = -0.5 * 6**0.5 * 1.0j
f[6, 5] = 0.5 * 6**0.5 * 1.0j
_L_vlmm.append([s, p, d, f])
p = np.zeros((3, 3), complex) # y, z, x
p[0, 2] = 1.0j
p[2, 0] = -1.0j
d = np.zeros((5, 5), complex) # xy, yz, z^2, xz, x^2-y^2
d[0, 4] = 2.0j
d[4, 0] = -2.0j
d[1, 3] = 1.0j
d[3, 1] = -1.0j
f = np.zeros((7, 7), complex)
f[0, 6] = 3.0j
f[6, 0] = -3.0j
f[1, 5] = 2.0j
f[5, 1] = -2.0j
f[2, 4] = 1.0j
f[4, 2] = -1.0j
_L_vlmm.append([s, p, d, f])
return _L_vlmm