Source code for gpaw.spline

# Copyright (C) 2003  CAMP
# Please see the accompanying LICENSE file for further information.

import numpy as np

from gpaw import debug
from gpaw.utilities import is_contiguous
import gpaw.cgpaw as cgpaw

[docs] class Spline: """Spline object""" def __init__(self, spline): self.spline = spline self.l = self.get_angular_momentum_number()
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, l, rmax, f_g): """The integer l gives the angular momentum quantum number and the list contains the spline values from r=0 to r=rcut. The array f_g gives the radial part of the function on the grid. The radial function is multiplied by a real solid spherical harmonics (r^l * Y_lm). """ assert rmax > 0.0 f_g = np.array(f_g, float) # Copy so we don't change the values of the input array f_g[-1] = 0.0 return cls(cgpaw.Spline(l, rmax, f_g))
[docs] def get_cutoff(self): """Return the radial cutoff.""" return self.spline.get_cutoff()
[docs] def get_angular_momentum_number(self): """Return the angular momentum quantum number.""" return self.spline.get_angular_momentum_number()
def get_npoints(self): return self.spline.get_npoints() def __repr__(self): return ('Spline(l={}, rmax={:.2f}, ...)' .format(self.get_angular_momentum_number(), self.get_cutoff()))
[docs] def get_value_and_derivative(self, r): """Return the value and derivative.""" return self.spline.get_value_and_derivative(r)
def __call__(self, r): assert r >= 0.0 return self.spline(r)
[docs] def map(self, r_x): """Map f(r) onto a given radial grid.""" out_x = np.empty_like(r_x) assert r_x.flags.c_contiguous, out_x) return out_x
def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() rmax = self.get_cutoff() state['spline'] = ( rmax,, rmax, self.get_npoints()))) return state def __setstate__(self, state): rmax, f_g = state['spline'] state['spline'] = cgpaw.Spline(state['l'], rmax, f_g) self.__dict__.update(state) def get_functions(self, gd, start_c, end_c, spos_c): h_cv = gd.h_cv # start_c is the new origin so we translate gd.beg_c to start_c origin_c = np.array([0, 0, 0]) pos_v =, gd.cell_cv) -, h_cv) A_gm, G_b = cgpaw.spline_to_grid(self.spline, origin_c, end_c - start_c, pos_v, h_cv, end_c - start_c, origin_c) if debug: assert G_b.ndim == 1 and G_b.shape[0] % 2 == 0 assert is_contiguous(G_b, np.intc) assert A_gm.shape[:-1] == np.sum(G_b[1::2] - G_b[::2]) indices_gm, ng, nm = self.spline.get_indices_from_zranges(start_c, end_c, G_b) shape = (nm,) + tuple(end_c - start_c) work_mB = np.zeros(shape, dtype=A_gm.dtype) np.put(work_mB, indices_gm, A_gm) return work_mB