Source code for gpaw.tddft.spectrum

import re
import numpy as np

from gpaw import __version__ as version
from gpaw.mpi import world
from gpaw.tddft.units import au_to_as, au_to_fs, au_to_eV, rot_au_to_cgs
from gpaw.tddft.folding import FoldedFrequencies
from gpaw.tddft.folding import Folding

def calculate_fourier_transform(x_t, y_ti, foldedfrequencies):
    ff = foldedfrequencies
    X_w = ff.frequencies
    envelope = ff.folding.envelope

    # Construct integration weights:
    # We use trapezoidal rule except the end point is accounted with
    # full weight. This ensures better numerical compatibility
    # with the on-the-fly Fourier integrators.
    # This shouldn't affect in usual scenarios as the envelope
    # should damp the data to zero at the end point in any case.
    dx_t1 = x_t[1:] - x_t[:-1]
    dx_t = 0.5 * (np.insert(dx_t1, 0, 0.0) + np.append(dx_t1, dx_t1[-1]))

    # Integrate
    f_wt = np.exp(1.0j * np.outer(X_w, x_t))
    y_it = np.swapaxes(y_ti, 0, 1)
    Y_wi = np.tensordot(f_wt, dx_t * envelope(x_t) * y_it, axes=(1, 1))
    return Y_wi

def read_td_file_data(fname, remove_duplicates=True):
    """Read data from time-dependent data file.

        File path
        If true, remove data from overlapping time values.
        The first encountered values are kept.

        Array of time values
        Array of data values
    # Read data
    data_tj = np.loadtxt(fname)
    time_t = data_tj[:, 0]
    data_ti = data_tj[:, 1:]

    # Remove duplicates due to abruptly stopped and restarted calculation
    if remove_duplicates:
        flt_t = np.ones_like(time_t, dtype=bool)
        maxtime = time_t[0]
        for t in range(1, len(time_t)):
            # Note about ">=" here:
            # The equality is included here in order to
            # retain step-like data (for example, the data both just before
            # and just after the kick is kept).
            if time_t[t] >= maxtime:
                maxtime = time_t[t]
                flt_t[t] = False
        time_t = time_t[flt_t]
        data_ti = data_ti[flt_t]
        ndup = len(flt_t) - flt_t.sum()
        if ndup > 0:
            print('Removed %d duplicates' % ndup)
    return time_t, data_ti

def read_td_file_kicks(fname):
    """Read kicks from time-dependent data file.

        File path

        List of kicks.
        Each kick is a dictionary with keys
        ``strength_v`` and ``time``.
    def parse_kick_line(line):
        # Kick
        regexp = (r"Kick = \["
                  r"(?P<k0>[-+0-9\.e\ ]+), "
                  r"(?P<k1>[-+0-9\.e\ ]+), "
                  r"(?P<k2>[-+0-9\.e\ ]+)\]")
        m =, line)
        assert m is not None, 'Kick not found'
        kick_v = np.array([float('k%d' % v)) for v in range(3)])
        # Time
        regexp = r"Time = (?P<time>[-+0-9\.e\ ]+)"
        m =, line)
        if m is None:
            print('time not found')
            time = 0.0
            time = float('time'))
        return kick_v, time

    # Search kicks
    kick_i = []
    with open(fname) as f:
        for line in f:
            if line.startswith('# Kick'):
                kick_v, time = parse_kick_line(line)
                kick_i.append({'strength_v': kick_v, 'time': time})
    return kick_i

def clean_td_data(kick_i, time_t, data_ti):
    """Prune time-dependent data.

    This function checks that there is only one kick
    in the kick list and moves time zero to the kick
    time (discarding all preceding data).

        List of kicks.
        Array of time values
        Array of data values

        List of kicks.
        Each kick is a dictionary with keys
        ``strength_v`` and ``time``.

        If kick list contains multiple kicks.
    # Check kicks
    if len(kick_i) > 1:
        raise RuntimeError('Multiple kicks')
    kick = kick_i[0]
    kick_v = kick['strength_v']
    kick_time = kick['time']

    # Discard times before kick
    flt_t = time_t >= kick_time
    time_t = time_t[flt_t]
    data_ti = data_ti[flt_t]

    # Move time zero to kick time
    time_t -= kick_time
    assert time_t[0] == 0.0

    return kick_v, time_t, data_ti

def read_dipole_moment_file(fname, remove_duplicates=True):
    """Read time-dependent dipole moment data file.

        File path
        If true, remove data from overlapping time values.
        The first encountered values are kept.

        List of kicks.
        Each kick is a dictionary with keys
        ``strength_v`` and ``time``.
        Array of time values
        Array of norm values
        Array of dipole moment values
    time_t, data_ti = read_td_file_data(fname, remove_duplicates)
    kick_i = read_td_file_kicks(fname)
    norm_t = data_ti[:, 0]
    dm_tv = data_ti[:, 1:]
    return kick_i, time_t, norm_t, dm_tv

def calculate_polarizability(kick_v, time_t, dm_tv, foldedfrequencies):
    dm_tv = dm_tv - dm_tv[0]
    alpha_wv = calculate_fourier_transform(time_t, dm_tv, foldedfrequencies)
    kick_magnitude = np.sqrt(np.sum(kick_v**2))
    alpha_wv /= kick_magnitude
    return alpha_wv

def calculate_photoabsorption(kick_v, time_t, dm_tv, foldedfrequencies):
    omega_w = foldedfrequencies.frequencies
    alpha_wv = calculate_polarizability(kick_v, time_t, dm_tv,
    abs_wv = 2 / np.pi * omega_w[:, np.newaxis] * alpha_wv.imag

    kick_magnitude = np.sqrt(np.sum(kick_v**2))
    abs_wv *= kick_v / kick_magnitude
    return abs_wv

def read_magnetic_moment_file(fname, remove_duplicates=True):
    """Read time-dependent magnetic moment data file.

        File path
        If true, remove data from overlapping time values.
        The first encountered values are kept.

        List of kicks.
        Each kick is a dictionary with keys
        ``strength_v`` and ``time``.
        Array of time values
        Array of magnetic moment values
    time_t, mm_tv = read_td_file_data(fname, remove_duplicates)
    kick_i = read_td_file_kicks(fname)
    return kick_i, time_t, mm_tv

def calculate_rotatory_strength_components(kick_v, time_t, mm_tv,
    assert np.all(mm_tv[0] == 0.0)
    mm_wv = calculate_fourier_transform(time_t, mm_tv, foldedfrequencies)
    kick_magnitude = np.sqrt(np.sum(kick_v**2))
    rot_wv = mm_wv.real / (np.pi * kick_magnitude)
    return rot_wv

def write_spectrum(dipole_moment_file, spectrum_file,
                   folding, width, e_min, e_max, delta_e,
                   title, symbol, calculate):
    def str_list(v_i, fmt='%g'):
        return '[%s]' % ', '.join(map(lambda v: fmt % v, v_i))

    kick_i, time_t, _, dm_tv = read_dipole_moment_file(dipole_moment_file)
    kick_v, time_t, dm_tv = clean_td_data(kick_i, time_t, dm_tv)
    dt_t = time_t[1:] - time_t[:-1]

    freqs = np.arange(e_min, e_max + 0.5 * delta_e, delta_e)
    folding = Folding(folding, width)
    ff = FoldedFrequencies(freqs, folding)
    omega_w = ff.frequencies
    spec_wv = calculate(kick_v, time_t, dm_tv, ff)

    # Write spectrum file header
    with open(spectrum_file, 'w') as f:
        def w(s):
            f.write('%s\n' % s)

        w('# %s spectrum from real-time propagation' % title)
        w('# GPAW version: %s' % version)
        w('# Total time = %.4f fs, Time steps = %s as' %
          (dt_t.sum() * au_to_fs,
           str_list(np.unique(np.around(dt_t, 6)) * au_to_as, '%.4f')))
        w('# Kick = %s' % str_list(kick_v))
        w('# %sian folding, Width = %.4f eV = %lf Hartree'
          ' <=> FWHM = %lf eV' %
          (folding.folding, folding.width * au_to_eV, folding.width,
           folding.fwhm * au_to_eV))

        col_i = []
        data_iw = [omega_w * au_to_eV]
        for v in range(len(kick_v)):
            h = '{}_{}'.format(symbol, 'xyz'[v])
            if spec_wv.dtype == complex:
                col_i.append('Re[%s]' % h)
                data_iw.append(spec_wv[:, v].real)
                col_i.append('Im[%s]' % h)
                data_iw.append(spec_wv[:, v].imag)
                data_iw.append(spec_wv[:, v])

        w('# %10s %s' % ('om (eV)', ' '.join(['%20s' % s for s in col_i])))

    # Write spectrum file data
    with open(spectrum_file, 'ab') as f:
        np.savetxt(f, np.array(data_iw).T,
                   fmt='%12.6lf' + (' %20.10le' * len(col_i)))

    return folding.envelope(time_t[-1])

[docs] def photoabsorption_spectrum(dipole_moment_file: str, spectrum_file: str, folding: str = 'Gauss', width: float = 0.2123, e_min: float = 0.0, e_max: float = 30.0, delta_e: float = 0.05): """Calculates photoabsorption spectrum from the time-dependent dipole moment. The spectrum is represented as a dipole strength function in units of 1/eV. Thus, the resulting spectrum should integrate to the number of valence electrons in the system. Parameters ---------- dipole_moment_file Name of the time-dependent dipole moment file from which the spectrum is calculated spectrum_file Name of the spectrum file folding Gaussian (``'Gauss'``) or Lorentzian (``'Lorentz'``) folding width Width of the Gaussian (sigma) or Lorentzian (Gamma) Gaussian = 1/(sigma sqrt(2pi)) exp(-(1/2)(omega/sigma)^2) Lorentzian = (1/pi) (1/2) Gamma / [omega^2 + ((1/2) Gamma)^2] e_min Minimum energy shown in the spectrum (eV) e_max Maximum energy shown in the spectrum (eV) delta_e Energy resolution (eV) """ if world.rank == 0: print('Calculating photoabsorption spectrum from file "%s"' % dipole_moment_file) def calculate(*args): return calculate_photoabsorption(*args) / au_to_eV sinc = write_spectrum(dipole_moment_file, spectrum_file, folding, width, e_min, e_max, delta_e, 'Photoabsorption', 'S', calculate) print('Sinc contamination %.8f' % sinc) print('Calculated photoabsorption spectrum saved to file "%s"' % spectrum_file)
def polarizability_spectrum(dipole_moment_file, spectrum_file, folding='Gauss', width=0.2123, e_min=0.0, e_max=30.0, delta_e=0.05): """Calculates polarizability spectrum from the time-dependent dipole moment. Parameters: dipole_moment_file: string Name of the time-dependent dipole moment file from which the spectrum is calculated spectrum_file: string Name of the spectrum file folding: 'Gauss' or 'Lorentz' Whether to use Gaussian or Lorentzian folding width: float Width of the Gaussian (sigma) or Lorentzian (Gamma) Gaussian = 1/(sigma sqrt(2pi)) exp(-(1/2)(omega/sigma)^2) Lorentzian = (1/pi) (1/2) Gamma / [omega^2 + ((1/2) Gamma)^2] e_min: float Minimum energy shown in the spectrum (eV) e_max: float Maximum energy shown in the spectrum (eV) delta_e: float Energy resolution (eV) """ if world.rank == 0: print('Calculating polarizability spectrum from file "%s"' % dipole_moment_file) def calculate(*args): return calculate_polarizability(*args) / au_to_eV**2 sinc = write_spectrum(dipole_moment_file, spectrum_file, folding, width, e_min, e_max, delta_e, 'Polarizability', 'alpha', calculate) print('Sinc contamination %.8f' % sinc) print('Calculated polarizability spectrum saved to file "%s"' % spectrum_file) def rotatory_strength_spectrum(magnetic_moment_files, spectrum_file, folding='Gauss', width=0.2123, e_min=0.0, e_max=30.0, delta_e=0.05): """Calculates rotatory strength spectrum from the time-dependent magnetic moment. Parameters ---------- magnetic_moment_files: list of string Time-dependent magnetic moment files for x, y, and z kicks spectrum_file: string Name of the spectrum file folding: 'Gauss' or 'Lorentz' Whether to use Gaussian or Lorentzian folding width: float Width of the Gaussian (sigma) or Lorentzian (Gamma) Gaussian = 1/(sigma sqrt(2pi)) exp(-(1/2)(omega/sigma)^2) Lorentzian = (1/pi) (1/2) Gamma / [omega^2 + ((1/2) Gamma)^2] e_min: float Minimum energy shown in the spectrum (eV) e_max: float Maximum energy shown in the spectrum (eV) delta_e: float Energy resolution (eV) """ if world.rank != 0: return freqs = np.arange(e_min, e_max + 0.5 * delta_e, delta_e) folding = Folding(folding, width) ff = FoldedFrequencies(freqs, folding) omega_w = ff.frequencies * au_to_eV rot_w = np.zeros_like(omega_w) tot_time = np.inf time_steps = [] kick_strength = None for v, fpath in enumerate(magnetic_moment_files): kick_i, time_t, mm_tv = read_magnetic_moment_file(fpath) kick_v, time_t, mm_tv = clean_td_data(kick_i, time_t, mm_tv) tot_time = min(tot_time, time_t[-1]) time_steps.append(np.around(time_t[1:] - time_t[:-1], 6)) # Check kicks for v0 in range(3): if v0 == v: continue if kick_v[v0] != 0.0: raise RuntimeError('The magnetic moment files must be ' 'for kicks in x, y, and z directions.') if kick_strength is None: kick_strength = np.sqrt(np.sum(kick_v**2)) if np.sqrt(np.sum(kick_v**2)) != kick_strength: raise RuntimeError('The magnetic moment files must have ' 'been calculated with the same kick strength.') rot_wv = calculate_rotatory_strength_components(kick_v, time_t, mm_tv, ff) rot_w += rot_wv[:, v] rot_w *= rot_au_to_cgs * 1e40 / au_to_eV # Unique non-zero time steps time_steps = np.unique(time_steps) time_steps = time_steps[time_steps != 0] with open(spectrum_file, 'w') as fd: steps_str = ', '.join(f'{val:.4f}' for val in time_steps * au_to_as) lines = ['Rotatory strength spectrum from real-time propagations', f'Total time = {tot_time * au_to_fs:.4f} fs, ' f'Time steps = [{steps_str}] as', f'Kick strength = {kick_strength}', f'{folding.folding}ian folding, ' f'width = {folding.width * au_to_eV:.4f} eV ' f'<=> FWHM = {folding.fwhm * au_to_eV:.4f} eV'] fd.write('# ' + '\n# '.join(lines) + '\n') fd.write(f'# {"Energy (eV)":>12} {"R (1e-40 cgs / eV)":>20}\n') data_wi = np.vstack((omega_w, rot_w)).T np.savetxt(fd, data_wi, fmt='%14.6lf' + (' %20.10le' * (data_wi.shape[1] - 1)))