October-2024 online developer meeting
- When:
October 8 and 9 afternoons (Danish time)
- Announcement:
Talks are approximately 15 + 10 minutes. Please try to focus your talks on the equations and algorithms you need to solve and the challenges implementing those in the code.
- 14:00:
Jens Jørgen Mortensen
Modernizing the code-base (slides)
Discussion of changes taking place in the code at the moment and how that will affect all of us in the future.
- 14:25:
Aleksei Ivanov
UPAW method, wavefunction theories and quantum computing prospects
In this presentation, I will introduce the unitary projector augmented-wave method (UPAW) and its generalization on many-body wave functions. Then I will discuss the benefits UPAW brings in the development of the electronic structure algorithms with focus on many-body theories and quantum computation. I will show a few examples on how one can calculate the MP2 energy with GPAW and the interface with other electronic structure software such as PySCF to carry out more complicated wavefunction calculations using, for example, coupled cluster theories. I will finish the talk with prospects on using GPAW for quantum embedding theories such as the density matrix embedding theory.
- 14:50:
Marko Melander
Constant inner potential (CIP) DFT method (extension of SJM)
CIP-DFT and its further development as well as working towards integrating Poisson-Boltzmann models in the main GPAW version.
- 15:15:
- 15:25:
Colin Baker
Porting SJM into planewave mode
- 15:50:
Kyle Bystrom
PAW Implementation of Nonlocal, Machine-Learned Density Functionals
Description: I will discuss an approach for efficiently evaluating nonlocal density functionals within the PAW formalism and the application of this approach to machine learning-based functionals. I will also mention work in progress to further optimize this algorithm and plans to extend it to van der Waals functionals and orbital-dependent features.
- 16:15:
Pooria Dabbaghi
Implementing an inverse Kohn-Sham scheme within the PAW formalism
- 16:40:
Anubhab Haldar
Improved basis sets for LCAO
- 14:00:
Mikael Kuisma
Running calculations on GPUs
- 14:25:
Tuomas Rossi
Building GPAW for AMD and NVIDIA GPUs
I will discuss the portability approach in GPAW to support both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs.
- 14:50:
Ask Hjorth Larsen
Testing the code on our new CI-runner + response-code refactoring
- 15:15:
- 15:25:
Gianluca Levi
Direct optimization methods for excited state calculations
The current status of the implementation, what is missing and what are the new features that I’d like to implement next.
- 15:50:
Gianluca Levi
Self-interaction correction
- 16:15:
Vladimír Zobač
Ehrenfest molecular dynamics with LCAO basis
- 16:40:
General discussion
- 17:05:
The end