These instructions are up-to-date as of October 2024.
It is recommended to perform the installations under
the /projappl/project_...
directory (see LUMI storage documentation).
A separate installation is needed for LUMI-C and LUMI-G.
Stable GPAW releases
LUMI software library has EasyBuild recipes for stable GPAW releases. See LUMI EasyBuild documentation for detailed description; steps are only in short below.
Installation on LUMI-G
Do the following in a clean terminal session and exit afterwards!
# TODO: use correct project_...
export EBU_USER_PREFIX=/projappl/project_.../EasyBuild
module load LUMI/24.03
module load partition/G
module load EasyBuild-user
# Install GPAW
eb GPAW-24.6.0-cpeGNU-24.03-rocm.eb -r
Usage on LUMI-G
Do the following in a clean terminal session (not in the one used for easybuild installations)!
# TODO: use correct project_...
export EBU_USER_PREFIX=/projappl/project_.../EasyBuild
module load LUMI/24.03
module load partition/G
module load GPAW/24.6.0-cpeGNU-24.03-rocm
gpaw info
Installation on LUMI-C
Do the following in a clean terminal session and exit afterwards!
# TODO: use correct project_...
export EBU_USER_PREFIX=/projappl/project_.../EasyBuild
module load LUMI/24.03
module load partition/C
module load EasyBuild-user
# Install GPAW
eb GPAW-24.6.0-cpeGNU-24.03.eb -r
Usage on LUMI-C
Do the following in a clean terminal session (not in the one used for easybuild installations)!
# TODO: use correct project_...
export EBU_USER_PREFIX=/projappl/project_.../EasyBuild
module load LUMI/24.03
module load partition/C
module load GPAW/24.6.0-cpeGNU-24.03
gpaw info
Developer installation
Developer installation on LUMI-G
First, install required libraries as EasyBuild modules (see LUMI EasyBuild documentation for detailed description).
Do the following in a clean terminal session and exit afterwards!
# TODO: use correct project_...
export EBU_USER_PREFIX=/projappl/project_.../EasyBuild
module load LUMI/24.03
module load partition/G
module load EasyBuild-user
# Install
eb CuPy-13.2.0-cpeGNU-24.03-rocm.eb -r
eb ELPA-2024.05.001-cpeGNU-24.03-rocm.eb -r
eb libxc-6.2.2-cpeGNU-24.03.eb -r
Exit the terminal now and open a clean terminal. The above EasyBuild setup is needed only once.
Then, the following steps build GPAW in a Python virtual environment:
# TODO: use correct project_...
export EBU_USER_PREFIX=/projappl/project_.../EasyBuild
export GPAW_SETUP_PATH=/projappl/project_.../gpaw-setups-24.1.0
cd /projappl/project_.../$USER
# Create virtual environment
module load cray-python/3.11.7
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages venv-gpaw-gpu
# The following will insert environment setup to the beginning of venv/bin/activate
cp venv-gpaw-gpu/bin/activate venv-gpaw-gpu/bin/activate.old
cat << EOF > venv-gpaw-gpu/bin/activate
module load LUMI/24.03
module load partition/G
module load cpeGNU/24.03
module load rocm/6.0.3
module load cray-fftw/
module load buildtools-python/24.03-cray-python3.11
module load CuPy/13.2.0-cpeGNU-24.03-rocm # from EBU_USER_PREFIX
module load ELPA/2024.05.001-cpeGNU-24.03-rocm # from EBU_USER_PREFIX
module load libxc/6.2.2-cpeGNU-24.03 # from EBU_USER_PREFIX
cat venv-gpaw-gpu/bin/activate.old >> venv-gpaw-gpu/bin/activate
# Activate venv
source venv-gpaw-gpu/bin/activate
# Install GPAW development version
git clone
export GPAW_CONFIG=$(readlink -f gpaw/doc/platforms/Cray/
# or:
# export GPAW_CONFIG=$(readlink -f gpaw/doc/platforms/Cray/
cd gpaw
rm -rf build _gpaw.*.so gpaw.egg-info
pip install -v --log build-gpu.log .
cd ..
# Install gpaw setups
gpaw install-data --no-register ${GPAW_SETUP_PATH%/*} --version 24.1.0
Note that above the siteconfig file is taken from the git clone.
Alternatively, download the siteconfig files from here:
Usage on LUMI-G
source venv-gpaw-gpu/bin/activate
gpaw info
Interactive jobs can be run like this:
srun -p small-g --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --gpus-per-node=1 -t 0:30:00 --pty bash
One-liners to run GPU tests:
n=1; srun -p small-g --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=$n --gpus-per-node=$n -t 00:10:00 gpaw python -m pytest venv-gpaw-gpu/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gpaw/test/ -v -m gpu --basetemp=$PWD/tmp-pytest-gpu-$n --disable-pytest-warnings
# or:
n=1; sbatch -p small-g --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=$n --gpus-per-node=$n -t 00:10:00 -J pytest-gpu-$n -o %x.out --wrap="srun gpaw python -m pytest venv-gpaw-gpu/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gpaw/test/ -v -m gpu --basetemp=$PWD/tmp-pytest-gpu-$n --disable-pytest-warnings"
To install Omnitrace (if using custon ROCm, use the correct ROCm version of the installer):
cd /projappl/project_...
To activate Omnitrace, source the env file (after activating GPAW venv):
source /projappl/project_.../omnitrace-1.11.2-opensuse-15.5-ROCm-60000-PAPI-OMPT-Python3/share/omnitrace/
Developer installation on LUMI-C
First, install required libraries as EasyBuild modules (see LUMI EasyBuild documentation for detailed description).
Do the following in a clean terminal session and exit afterwards!
# TODO: use correct project_...
export EBU_USER_PREFIX=/projappl/project_.../EasyBuild
module load LUMI/24.03
module load partition/C
module load EasyBuild-user
# Install
eb libxc-6.2.2-cpeGNU-24.03.eb -r
Exit the terminal now and open a clean terminal. The above EasyBuild setup is needed only once.
Then, the following steps build GPAW in a Python virtual environment:
# TODO: use correct project_...
export EBU_USER_PREFIX=/projappl/project_.../EasyBuild
export GPAW_SETUP_PATH=/projappl/project_.../gpaw-setups-24.1.0
cd /projappl/project_.../$USER
# Create virtual environment
module load cray-python/3.11.7
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages venv-gpaw-cpu
# The following will insert environment setup to the beginning of venv/bin/activate
cp venv-gpaw-cpu/bin/activate venv-gpaw-cpu/bin/activate.old
cat << EOF > venv-gpaw-cpu/bin/activate
module load LUMI/24.03
module load partition/C
module load cpeGNU/24.03
module load cray-fftw/
module load buildtools-python/24.03-cray-python3.11
module load libxc/6.2.2-cpeGNU-24.03 # from EBU_USER_PREFIX
cat venv-gpaw-cpu/bin/activate.old >> venv-gpaw-cpu/bin/activate
# Activate venv
source venv-gpaw-cpu/bin/activate
# Install GPAW development version
git clone
export GPAW_CONFIG=$(readlink -f gpaw/doc/platforms/Cray/
cd gpaw
rm -rf build _gpaw.*.so gpaw.egg-info
pip install -v --log build-cpu.log .
cd ..
# Install gpaw setups
gpaw install-data --no-register ${GPAW_SETUP_PATH%/*} --version 24.1.0
Note that above the siteconfig file is taken from the git clone.
Alternatively, download the siteconfig file from here:
Usage on LUMI-C
source venv-gpaw-cpu/bin/activate
gpaw info
Interactive jobs can be run like this:
srun -p small --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=2 -t 0:30:00 --pty bash
Two-liner to run tests:
# Generate gpw files to cache
srun -p small --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --mem-per-cpu=4G -t 01:00:00 gpaw python -m pytest venv-gpaw-cpu/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gpaw/test/ -v -o cache_dir=$PWD/pytest_cache --disable-pytest-warnings
# Wait and then submit tests
for n in 1 2 4 8; do sbatch -p small --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=$n --mem-per-cpu=4G -t 04:00:00 -J pytest-cpu-$n -o %x.out --wrap="srun gpaw python -m pytest venv-gpaw-cpu/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gpaw/test/ -v -o cache_dir=$PWD/pytest_cache --basetemp=$PWD/tmp-pytest-cpu-$n --disable-pytest-warnings"; done
Configuring MyQueue
Use the following MyQueue
config = {
'scheduler': 'slurm',
'extra_args': ['--account=project_4xxxxxxxx', '--mem=0'],
'mpiexec': 'srun',
'parallel_python': 'gpaw python',
'nodes': [
('standard', {'cores': 128}),
('small', {'cores': 128}),
('debug', {'cores': 128}),
('largemem', {'cores': 128}),
('standard-g', {'cores': 56}),
('small-g', {'cores': 56}),
('dev-g', {'cores': 56})]}
and submit jobs like this:
mq submit -R 128:standard:2h