Here you find information about the system
The installation of user’s packages on SUSE 10 login01,
64-bit described below uses
modules, and assumes sh
packages are installed under
:mkdir ~/CAMd cd ~/CAMd
module files are located under
:mkdir ~/CAMd/modulefiles
download the
file:compiler = 'gcc' mpicompiler = '/opt/SUNWhpc/HPC8.2/gnu/bin/mpicc' mpilinker = 'MPICH_CC=gcc mpicc -Xlinker --export-dynamic' extra_compile_args = ['-O3', '-std=c99', '-fpic'] scalapack = False mkl_dir = '/opt/gridware/intel/Compiler/11.1/056/mkl/lib/em64t/' library_dirs += [mkl_dir] libraries = ['mkl_intel_lp64' ,'mkl_sequential' ,'mkl_core', 'mkl_lapack', ] extra_link_args = ['-Wl,-rpath=' + mkl_dir]
download packages with
:export APPS="~/CAMd" export MODULEFILES="${APPS}/modulefiles" cd ${APPS} # download packages nose_version=1.1.2${nose_version}.tar.gz numpy_version=1.5.1 wget${numpy_version}.tar.gz ase_version= wget${ase_version}.tar.gz gpaw_version= wget${gpaw_version}.tar.gz gpaw_setups_version=0.8.7929 wget${gpaw_setups_version}.tar.gz
install packages, deploy modules and test with
:export APPS=`echo ~/CAMd` export MODULEFILES="${APPS}/modulefiles" # build packages python_version=2.7.3 wget${python_version}/Python-${python_version}.tgz tar zxf Python-${python_version}.tgz cd Python-${python_version} ./configure --prefix=${APPS}/Python-${python_version}-1 make 2>&1 | tee make.log make install 2>&1 | tee make_install.log cd .. mkdir -p ${MODULEFILES}/python cat <<EOF > ${MODULEFILES}/python/${python_version}-1 #%Module1.0 set apps_path ${APPS} prepend-path PATH \$apps_path/Python-${python_version}-1/bin unset apps_path EOF module use --append ${MODULEFILES} module load python export GPAW_PLATFORM=`python -c "from distutils import util, sysconfig; print util.get_platform()+'-'+sysconfig.get_python_version()"` export PYTHONVERSION=`python -c "from distutils import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_python_version()"` nose_version=1.1.2 tar zxf nose-${nose_version}.tar.gz cd nose-${nose_version} python install --root=${APPS}/nose-${nose_version}-1 cd .. numpy_version=1.6.1 tar zxf numpy-${numpy_version}.tar.gz cd numpy-${numpy_version} # Use /usr/bin/gfortran and numpy's internal blas/lapack sed -i "s/_lib_names = \['blas'\]/_lib_names = ['']/g" numpy/distutils/ sed -i "s/_lib_names = \['lapack'\]/_lib_names = ['']/g" numpy/distutils/ # avoid "Both g77 and gfortran runtimes linked in lapack_lite !" setting --fcompiler=gnu95 # note that this forces /usr/bin/gfortran to be used python build --fcompiler=gnu95 2>&1 | tee build.log python install --root=${APPS}/numpy-${numpy_version}-1 2>&1 | tee install.log cd .. ase_version= tar zxf python-ase-${ase_version}.tar.gz gpaw_version= tar zxf gpaw-${gpaw_version}.tar.gz gpaw_setups_version=0.8.7929 tar zxf gpaw-setups-${gpaw_setups_version}.tar.gz mkdir -p ${MODULEFILES}/nose cat <<EOF > ${MODULEFILES}/nose/${nose_version}-1 #%Module1.0 set apps_path ${APPS} prereq python prepend-path PATH \$apps_path/nose-${nose_version}-1${APPS}/Python-${python_version}-1/bin prepend-path PYTHONPATH \$apps_path/nose-${nose_version}-1${APPS}/Python-${python_version}-1/lib/python${PYTHONVERSION}/site-packages/ unset apps_path EOF mkdir -p ${MODULEFILES}/numpy cat <<EOF > ${MODULEFILES}/numpy/${numpy_version}-1 #%Module1.0 set apps_path ${APPS} prereq nose prepend-path PATH \$apps_path/numpy-${numpy_version}-1${APPS}/Python-${python_version}-1/bin prepend-path PYTHONPATH \$apps_path/numpy-${numpy_version}-1${APPS}/Python-${python_version}-1/lib/python${PYTHONVERSION}/site-packages/ unset apps_path EOF mkdir -p ${MODULEFILES}/python-ase cat <<EOF > ${MODULEFILES}/python-ase/${ase_version}-1 #%Module1.0 set apps_path ${APPS} prereq numpy prepend-path PATH \$apps_path/python-ase-${ase_version}/tools prepend-path PYTHONPATH \$apps_path/python-ase-${ase_version}/ unset apps_path EOF mkdir -p ${MODULEFILES}/gpaw-setups cat <<EOF > ${MODULEFILES}/gpaw-setups/${gpaw_setups_version}-1 #%Module1.0 set apps_path ${APPS} prepend-path GPAW_SETUP_PATH \$apps_path/gpaw-setups-${gpaw_setups_version} unset apps_path EOF mkdir -p ${MODULEFILES}/gpaw cat <<EOF > ${MODULEFILES}/gpaw/${gpaw_version}-1 #%Module1.0 set apps_path ${APPS} prereq python-ase prereq gpaw-setups prepend-path PATH \$apps_path/gpaw-${gpaw_version}/tools prepend-path PATH \$apps_path/gpaw-${gpaw_version}/build/bin.${GPAW_PLATFORM} prepend-path PYTHONPATH \$apps_path/gpaw-${gpaw_version}/ prepend-path PYTHONPATH \$apps_path/gpaw-${gpaw_version}/build/lib.${GPAW_PLATFORM} setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 1 unset apps_path EOF module load nose module load numpy # test numpy python -c "import numpy; numpy.test()" module load python-ase # test ase mkdir -p testase cd testase --no-display 2>&1 | tee testase.log cd .. # build gpaw cd gpaw-${gpaw_version} # disable fftw (something is wrong with /usr/local/lib/libfftw3.a) sed -i 's/libfftw3\.so/' gpaw/ python build_ext --customize=../ --remove-default-flags 2>&1 | tee build_ext.log cd .. module load gpaw-setups module load gpaw mkdir -p testgpaw cd testgpaw mpiexec -np 4 gpaw-python `which gpaw-test` 2>&1 | tee testgpaw.log
Note that every time you wish to install a new version of a package, and deploy new module file, better keep the old module file.
submit the test job (jobs must be submitted from under ~/scratch):
using the following
:#!/bin/sh ###These lines are for Moab #MSUB -l nodes=1:ppn=8 #MSUB -l walltime=02:00:00 #MSUB -l partition=nehalem|harpertown|westmere . /opt/gridware/modules-3.2.7/ export APPS=`echo ~/CAMd` export MODULEFILES="${APPS}/modulefiles" module use --append ${MODULEFILES} module load python module load nose module load numpy module load python-ase module load gpaw-setups module load gpaw/ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ##### Running commands cat $PBS_NODEFILE NP=`cat $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l` mpirun -x PYTHONPATH -x GPAW_SETUP_PATH -x PATH -np $NP -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE gpaw-python `which gpaw-test`