Excited States
This exercise investigates the properties and usability of several materials in terms of applications in photovoltaics.
The exercise will teach you how to set up your material and investigate the most important parameters like the band gap and the absorption spectrum from first principles calculations. The first part shows how to calculate a converged band structure. In the second part you will learn to calculate the quasiparticle band gap. The third part involves learning how to calculate an absorption spectrum within the random phase approximation. Finally, you will calculate the absorption spectrum including excitonic effects and compare different materials in the fourth part.
Part 1: Setup of the structure and bandstructure calculations
The notebook es1.ipynb
shows how to set up the
material and how to calculate a converged band structure.
Set up the atomic structure and optimize its geometry
Calculate the band gap, band gap position, and band structure
Compare the performance of different exchange correlation functionals
Part 2: Quasiparticle bandgap
The notebook es2.ipynb
teaches how to set up
calculations to find the quasiparticle band gap using GW
Understanding the GW approximation.
First basic tests on the convergence of quasiparticle spectrum.
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Part 3: Absorption spectrum
The notebook es3.ipynb
teaches how to set up
calculations of the dielectric function to find the absorption spectrum.
Understanding the dielectric function
First basic tests on the convergence of absorption spectra in the random phase approximation
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Part 4: Excitonic effects and Discussion
In the last notebook es4.ipynb
the results for different
materials are plotted and discussed. Next the absorption spectra
is calculated including the excitonic effects (Bethe-Salpeter formalism).
Understanding the excitonic effects and Bethe-Salpeter formalism.
Basic tests on convergence of the absorption spectra.
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Special care is taken of the convergence.