Developers guide to GPAW
XXX Update page to new GPAW style (after guc merge) and mention NewLFCs.
This page goes through the most important equations of a PAW calculation and has references to the code. It is a good idea to have the big picture in front of you when reading this page.
Initial wave functions and densities (todo)
Finding the ground state (todo)
Wave functions
The central quantities in a PAW calculation are the pseudo wave-functions, \(\tilde{\psi}_{\sigma\mathbf{k}n}(\mathbf{r})\), from which the all-electron wave functions can be obtained:
Here, \(a\) is the atom number, \(\mathbf{R}^a\) is the position of atom number \(a\) and \(\tilde{p}_i^a\), \(\tilde{\phi}_i^a\) and \(\phi_i^a\) are the projector functions, pseudo partial waves, and all-electron partial waves respectively, of the atoms.
See Naming convention for arrays for more information on the naming of
arrays. Note that spos_c
gives the position of the atom in scaled
coordinates in the range [0:1[ (relative to the unit cell).
Note, that in the code, i
refers to \(n\), \(\ell\) and \(m\) quantum
numbers, and j
refers to \(n\) and \(\ell\) only (see
Naming convention for arrays). So, to put an atom-centered function
like \(\tilde{p}_{n\ell m}^a(\mathbf{r})\) on the 3D grid, you need both
the radial part \(\tilde{p}_{n\ell}^a(r)\) (one of the splines in
) and a spherical harmonics \(Y_{\ell
m}(\theta,\phi)\). Putting radial functions times spherical harmonics
on a grid is done by the gpaw.lfc.LocalizedFunctionsCollection
class. See also gpaw.setup.Setup
and gpaw.spline.Spline
The wave-functions are othonormalized such that the pseudo wave-functions obey the following orthogonality requirements:
, where \(\hat{O}\) is the overlap operator in the PAW formalism. Refer to Orthogonalizing the wave functions for details.
The overlap operator is defined in terms of the PAW overlap corrections:
The constants \(\Delta O_{i_1 i_2}^a\) are found in
). XXX Someone should
rename dO_ii
to dS_ii
or \(\hat{S}\) to \(\hat{O}\).
An approximate inverse overlap operator is similarly defined by:
The inverse overlap coefficients \(\Delta C_{i_1 i_2}^a\) are found in setup.dC_ii
) and are solutions to the system of linear equations:
, such that \(\hat{O}^{\;-1}_\mathrm{approx.}\hat{O} = \hat{I}\) provided
\(\langle\tilde{p}_{i_1}^a|\tilde{p}_{i_2}^{a'}\rangle = \delta_{a a'}
\langle\tilde{p}_{i_1}^a|\tilde{p}_{i_2}^{a}\rangle\). These projector overlaps
\(B_{i_1 i_2}^a = \langle\tilde{p}_{i_1}^a|\tilde{p}_{i_2}^{a}\rangle\)
are likewise found in setup.B_ii
From the pseudo wave-functions, the pseudo electron spin-densities can be constructed (see here):
Here, \(\hat{S}_s\) is one of the \(N_s\) symmetry operators of the system
(see gpaw.symmetry.Symmetry
), \(f_{n\mathbf{k}\sigma}\) are
the occupation numbers (adding up to the number of valence elctrons),
and \(\tilde{n}_c^a(r)\) is the pseudo core density for atom number \(a\).
The all-electron spin-densities are given as:
are atom centered expansions, and
is an atomic spin-density matrix, which must be symmetrized the same way as the pseudo electron spin-densities.
formula |
object |
type |
\(\hat{S}_s\) |
\(\tilde{n}_\sigma\) |
\(\tilde{n}=\sum_\sigma\tilde{n}_\sigma\) |
\(\tilde{n}_c^a(r)\) |
\(\tilde{n}_c^a(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{R}^a)\) |
\(f_{\sigma\mathbf{k}n}\) |
\(D_{\sigma i_1 i_2}^a\) |
From the all-electron and pseudo electron densities we can now construct corresponding total all-electron and pseudo charge densities:
If \(\mathbb{Z}^a\) is the atomic number of atom number \(a\), then \(Z^a(\mathbf{r})=-\mathbb{Z}^a\delta(\mathbf{r})\) (we count the electrons as positive charge and the protons as negative charge). The compensation charges are given as:
where \(\hat{g}_\ell^a(r)\propto r^\ell\exp(-\alpha^a r^2)\) are Gaussians. The compensation charges should make sure that the two atom centered densities \(\rho^a=\sum_\sigma n_\sigma^a + Z^a\) and \(\tilde{\rho}^a=\sum_\sigma \tilde{n}_\sigma^a + \tilde{Z}^a\) have identical multipole expansions outside the augmentation sphere. This gives the following equation for \(Q_L^a\):
formula |
object |
type |
\(\tilde{\rho}\) |
\(\mathbb{Z}^a\) |
\(\Delta_{i_1 i_2 L}^a\) |
\(\Delta_0^a\) |
\(\hat{g}_\ell^a(r)\) |
List of |
\(\hat{g}_L^a(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{R}^a)\) |
\(Q_L^a\) |
The total energy
The total PAW energy is composed of a smooth part evaluated using pseudo quantities on the 3D grid, plus corrections for each atom evaluated on radial grids inside the augmentation spheres: \(E=\tilde{E}+\sum_a(E^a - \tilde{E}^a)\).
In the last two equations, the integrations are limited to inside the augmentation spheres only.
The electrostatic energy part of \(\tilde{E}\) is calculated as
d\mathbf{r}\tilde{v}_H(\mathbf{r})\tilde{\rho}(\mathbf{r})\), where the
Hartree potential is found by solving Poissons equation:
\(\nabla^2 \tilde{v}_H(\mathbf{r})=-4\pi\tilde{\rho}(\mathbf{r})\) (see