Orthogonalizing the wave functions
Let \(\tilde{\Psi}_{nG}\) be an element of a wave function matrix holding the value of \(\tilde{\psi}_{n}(\mathbf{r}_G)\) (state number \(n\) and grid point number \(G\)). Then we can write the orthogonality requirement like this:
where \(\Delta v\) is the volume per grid point and
is the matrix form of the overlap operator. This matrix is very sparse because the projector functions \(\tilde{P}^a_{iG} = \tilde{p}^a_i(\mathbf{r}_G - \mathbf{R}^a)\) are localized inside the augmentation spheres. The \(\Delta O^a_{i_1i_2}\) atomic PAW overlap corrections are small \(N_p^a \times N_p^a\) matrices (\(N_p^a \sim 10\)) defined here.
Gram-Schmidt procedure
The traditional sequential Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure is not very efficient, so we do some linear algebra to allow us to use efficient matrix-matrix products.
Let \(\tilde{\mathbf{\Psi}}_0\) be the non-orthogonal wave functions. We calculate the overlap matrix:
from the raw overlap \(\tilde{\mathbf{\Psi}}_0^T \tilde{\mathbf{\Psi}}_0\) and the projections \((\tilde{\mathbf{P}}^a)^T \tilde{\mathbf{\Psi}}_0\).
This can be Cholesky factored into \(\mathbf{S} = \mathbf{L}^T \mathbf{L}\) and we can get the orthogonalized wave functions as:
The orthogonalization can be paralleized over k-points, spins, domains, and bands.
k-points and spins
Each k-point and each spin can be treated separately.
Each domain will have its contribution to the overlap matrix, and these will have to be summed up using the domain communicator. The dense linear algebra can be performed in a replication fashion on all MPI tasks using LAPACK or in parallel on a subset of MPI tasks using ScaLAPACK.
Band parallelization is described at Band parallelization.