The Quantum Electrostatic Heterostructure (QEH) model: Theory
We follow the notation of Ref [1]. For each monolayer in a heterostructure, the monolayer response function \(\widetilde{\chi}(\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{r}', q_\parallel, \omega)\) is first calculated. We assume here that \(\widetilde{\chi}\) is isotropic, i.e. only a function of \(q_\parallel = |\mathbf{q}_\parallel|\), and independent of the direction of \(\mathbf{q}_\parallel\). The response function is averaged over the in-plane coordinates, and we define
where the integration is over the in-plane coordinates, and \(A\) is the in-plane area of the supercell. The \(z\)-dependence can be approximated in a monopole-dipole basis, in which we express \(\widetilde{\chi}\) as a \(2 \times 2\) matrix \(\chi_{\alpha \alpha'}\), where \(\alpha=0\) corresponds to a monopole component, while \(\alpha = 1\) corresponds to a dipole component, and likewise for \(\alpha'\). These components are given by
where each integral runs over the interval \([z_c - \frac{L}{2}, z_c + \frac{L}{2}]\), where \(L\) is the thickness of the layer, and \(z_c\) the position of the middle of the layer. To make explicit the monopole/dipole structure, we label the components of the \(\chi_{\alpha \alpha'}\) matrix as \(\alpha \in {M, D}\), where \(M\) corresponds to \(\alpha=0\) and \(D\) to \(\alpha = 1.\) This corresponds to the naming convention used in the GPAW implementation.
Expressed in a plane-wave basis, we have
\(\Omega\) being the volume of the supercell. Integrating over the plane corresponds to taking \(\mathbf{G}_\parallel = \mathbf{G}_\parallel' = 0\), such that equation (1) becomes
The integrals over \(z\) in equation (2) can then be carried out analytically, and we find
where the so-called z-factor \(z_F\) is
and \(z_F^*\) is the complex conjugate of \(z_F\).
For systems with mirror symmetry in the out of plane (\(z\)) direction, the off-diagonal elements \(\chi_{MD}\) and \(\chi_{DM}\) must vanish. This can be seen from the following: the mirror symmetry implies that \(\chi(z,z') = \chi(-z, -z')\), where we have set \(z_c = 0\) for simplicity, and we have then for e.g. \(\chi_{DM}\) that
where for the last equality we made the substitution \(z \rightarrow-z\) and \(z' \rightarrow- z'\). A similar result holds for \(\chi_{MD}\). Therefore one only needs to calculate the off-diagonal elements for materials that do not have mirror symmetry.